Geotechnical Engineering 1
Topics :-
> Soil Formation
> Properties of soils
> Identification and classification of Soil
> Soil Structure and clay Minerals
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A soil engineer collects a sample of soil having moist unit weight of a soil is 24.5 IN/m³, water content available is 10% and the specific gravity of the solid of the soil is 2.50. What is the degree of saturation of the soil? (Assume unit weight of water = 9.81 kN/m³)  [DFCCIL: 2018]
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The property of the soil which permits it to be deformed rapidly without volume change,rupture and elastic rebound is termed as  [TP:2018]
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A project engineer collects a sample of red soil having moist unit weight of a soil is 18.5 kN/m³, water content available is 22% and the specific gravity of the solid of the soil is 2.85. Find the Void ratio.(Assurne unit weight of water = 9.81 kN/m³)  [DFCCIL: 2018]
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The trace moisture absorbed by a dry soil from the atmosphere is called  [TP:2018]
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The minimum water content at which the soil just begins to crumble when rolled into threads of 3 mm diameter is known as [TP:2018]
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In the unit phase diagram for a soil mass [TP:2018]
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The seepage force in soils at unit is proportional to [TP:2018]
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Into how many subdivisions, shall the coarse grained soils be divided for classification purposes?  [TP:2018]
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Assume initial void ratio = e₀, final void ratio = e, initial pressure= p₀ and final pressure= p. Then. what is the value of coefficient of compressibility (aᵥ)?  [DFCCIL: 2018]
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The water content at which the soil changes from liquid state to plastic state is known as  [TP:2018,WCD:2018]
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