Eye Care Support Pathway - Questionnaire to sight loss professionals and organisations

We are seeking your views on a Welsh implementation of the RNIB Eye Care Support Pathway. More information about the pathway can be found here https://wcb-ccd.org.uk/perspectif/library/166/eye-care-support-pathway (English) and here https://wcb-ccd.org.uk/perspectif/library/167/y-llwybr-cefnogi-gofal-llygaid (Cymraeg). If you have any questions about the pathway itself or would prefer to have a conversation, please contact John Dixon (john.dixon@rnib.org.uk or 07900 137256). 

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Does your organisation operate within Wales?
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What would you expect the Eye Care Support Pathway to achieve?
Is the idea of a pathway compatible with your way of working with service users?

In your opinion, how easy is it currently for people with a sight condition to be signposted or referred to useful sources of information, and practical and emotional support? Please provide examples of good practice or gaps you’re aware of, if possible.

In your opinion, how well are people on a sight loss clinical and/or care pathway supported to stay confident and independent currently? Please provide examples of good practice or gaps you’re aware of, if possible.

In your opinion, do you have enough time to speak in-depth to people with a sight condition, so that you’re able to provide holistic social prescribing into useful support services? Please provide examples of good practice or gaps you’re aware of, if possible.

In your current role, are there any opportunities you could identify which people with sight loss could be offered, if you were provided with the guidance and support to do so?

In your current role, do you have any concerns about being able to provide signposting and referral into useful services for people with sight loss now or in the future?

Do you see any consequences of the sight loss pathway in terms of your own resources (such as from the potential increase of referrals)?

In your current role, if you’ve read the Sight Loss Support Pathway report, are there any negative consequences you could foresee in providing this support? 

Is there anything else you’d like to tell us?

These questionnaires will be informing a report to go to Welsh Government. If you are willing to be named and quoted in the report please give your name and organisation below.

Thank you for your support. It will help to influence services in your area. If you are having problems with this form, please contact Richard Bowers: richard@wcb-ccd.org.uk
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