Recommend a Candidate for the Avodah Justice Fellowship
Thank you for taking the time to connect us with a candidate for the Avodah Justice Fellowship! We promise to only email whoever you list here 1-2 times - they won't be be added to an email list.

The Avodah Justice Fellowship is an 8 month deep learning and community-building program designed to build the field of Jewish social justice leaders working effectively and sustainably in Chicago and New York City. Over the years, some of the best members of the Avodah network have come through personal recommendations.

Ideal applicants are usually (but definitely not always!) in their 20s and 30s, and/or in the early to mid career range. 
  • experience in either their professional, volunteer or personal life working on domestic social, racial, environmental, and/or economic justice issues;
  • a demonstrated interest in exploring the intersection of Jewish life and social justice, and developing a deeper relationship between the two;

  • an active interest in building a values-based community and developing the power of a local Jewish network during and after the Fellowship.

  • an ability to listen and stay in relationship with others in a diverse, pluralistic community that reflects a multitude of ways of living and thinking Jewishly.

Not sure if the person you're thinking of fits the bill? Nominate them anyway - we can talk to them and find out!
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Email of candidate (or phone number/social media handle): *
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