Sign Up Here to Join the STEM Happier Hour Chats: Recess for Teachers! We Meet on First and Third Tuesdays from 4:05pm-4:50pm Pacific (5:05pm-5:50pm Mountain)  (Once registered you will receive a Zoom link, password, and upcoming topic so you can join any chat that interests you)
Join us for informal gatherings designed to connect educators and tap into shared experience and expertise. Each session will have a theme and will provide time to connect in small grade-alike and/or district-similar (urban, rural, larger, smaller, etc.) groups as well as large group.

Once you register you are free to join when it works and pass when it does not.

OPEN TO ALL K-12 Educators in Oregon who want to connect with others and learn from each other.
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Please share what school you are affiliated with and if this is not applicable please just put N/A. *
Have you already registered or participated in this STEM Happier Hour: Recess for Teachers mini-series? *
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