Survey for User
The COVID-19 Law Lab is a growing, evolving global resource. We are looking for feedback in order to make the site more user-friendly. This survey will help us learn how the data is being used and how we can make it more user friendly. This survey is designed to be anonymous but there is space available to share your email if you would like to share any additional information.

OPTIONAL: Below you can also tell us more about how you have used the data and if you have a work product as  findings, dataset, report, paper, article, etc...
Questions?  Email: 
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Please select the option that describes your occupation *
How have you used the COVID-19 Law Lab *
What additional features would you find useful on the COVID-19 Law Lab website? *
If you responded other, please describe additional features you would like on the COVID-19 Law Lab
We work with individuals across the globe, including independent researchers, academic institutions, NGOs and non-profits, if you would like to partner with us and join our effort please provide your email and we will follow up with you.
Have you used the COVID-19 Law Lab in your research? If yes, please describe:
If you have used the COVID-19 Law Lab for a publication or other open-source research project and would like to share it with us, please share your name and email information and we will reach out to you:
Thank you for your time and information in filling out this survey, if you feel there is other information that you wish to share that has not been captured here, please contact 
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