Donation Pledge and Sign-up Form
The pledges submitted here help us with our planning and are not binding. Once you've submitted this form, you can edit your responses with the link in your email receipt (email subject: "Donation Pledge and Sign-up Form").

Filling out this form will also subscribe you to the EA Giving Tuesday mailing list. You can unsubscribe at any time by following the link at the bottom of any email.
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First name *
Last name *
$100k per nonprofit match limit suggestions


11/30 6pm EST: Given current pledges (, it's plausible GiveWell could exceed the $100k match limit per nonprofit. If you were planning to pledge a donation to the following:

* GiveWell (Maximum Impact Fund)

Then you may want to instead consider pledging a donation to Malaria Consortium's SMC program, which is GiveWell’s current recommendation to donors who’d prefer to donate to a specific top charity. That being said, we encourage you to use your own judgment on how to donate most effectively. You can find GiveWell’s latest recommendations here:


11/30 6pm EST: Given current pledges (, it’s plausible that CEA could exceed the $100k match limit per nonprofit. To increase your probability of getting your donations matched, pledge and donate to the following fundraisers "via Rethink Charity" and not CEA:

* EA Animal Welfare Fund via Rethink Charity
* EA Global Health and Development Fund via Rethink Charity
* EA Infrastructure Fund via Rethink Charity
* EA Long-Term Future Fund via Rethink Charity

Rethink Charity will regrant the donation and match amounts to CEA, with a restriction to the named fund. Questions? Email
Pledge your donation
If you'd like to donate to multiple nonprofits, please submit this form multiple times.
What nonprofit do you plan to donate to? *
Is the nonprofit you want to donate to not listed? E-mail us at
How much do you plan to donate to this nonprofit in USD with the intent of directing matching funds? *
You can enter more than $20,000 USD. We'll adjust it downwards to $20,000 USD in our charts where appropriate.
Within how many seconds after the match start time do you expect to submit your last donation?
If you haven't tried making any test donations and don't know, you can leave this blank. If you expect to submit your last donation in second :59 just before the match start time, then please enter -1.
Optional: Do you want to make your pledge public?
If so, we'll share your full name, your pledge amount, and the recipient nonprofit. If not, we won't reveal any personally identifying information publicly.
Optional: Can we share your name and e-mail address with the nonprofit upon their request?
Optional: Can we share your postal address with the nonprofit upon their request? If so, please enter it below.
Optional: Do you want to receive text messages? If so, enter your phone number below. US phone numbers only.
You may receive 1-4 text messages consisting of: (a) reminders during daytime hours leading up to Giving Tuesday 2020 and (b) important updates as early as 7:30am EST / 4:30am PST on Giving Tuesday 2020. We will stop sending you text messages after Giving Tuesday 2020. You must also visit our website ( for updates -- text messages are not an alternative!
Optional: Do you have any other comments?
For any questions or urgent comments, please e-mail
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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