Book Sales Accelerator - Application Form
I'm so excited you're here and ready to make some big changes in the way you think about and market your books and author brand.

This quick application helps me gauge whether the Book Sales Accelerator will be a good fit for your goals. After completing these questions, I'll review your answers and be in touch with you in the next 48 hours to schedule our call.
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First Name *
Last name *
Email address *
Website *
What's going on in your author business that inspired you to submit this application? Tell me what's working and what's not. *
What are 1-3 things you'd like to get squared away from working with me / What do you most want to achieve through our sessions? *
Assuming that you and I are a great fit to work together, when would you like to start? *
The investment for the sigh-inducing relief of having an expert marketer by your side as you create and implement a marketing system that actually sells books is $3,500. Are you ready and able to invest in this? (Yes, payment plans are available!) *
Do you have any questions or anything else you'd like to share with me?
I’ve completed the application and would like to be considered for coaching. At this point in time, I understand I am only showing interest and am under no obligation to sign up or make payment. I understand that if it is determined that I appear to be a good fit, I will be invited to have a conversation with Belinda. If I make the commitment to make an appointment, I understand that both mine and Belinda’s time is very valuable, and I will show up ready for our call. At that time, I will ask questions and clarify anything I don’t understand. I will be free to choose whether or not to sign up for coaching. If I am invited to sign up for coaching, I am committed to doing everything I need to do to get 100% from the program. *
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