6th Taiwan-Hong Kong Paediatric Orthopaedic Symposium, 7-8 March 2020
Registration form
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Email *
First name *
Last name *
Contact address
Phone number *
Saturday 7 March 2020: Research Meeting *
Sunday 8 March 2020: Clinical Case Presentation *
Will you take the provided group bus from Kaohsiung airport to The Ambassador Hotel on Friday 6th March 2020, at 8:20pm? *
Will you take the provided group bus from The Ambassador Hotel Kaohsiung to Kaohsiung airport on Sunday 8th March 2020? (for KA437 departure at 3:10pm) *
Will you stay at The Ambassador Hotel Kaohsiung? *
Will any of your family members join the city tours provided by our Taiwan hosts?
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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