Great Salt Lake Leadership Academy
Welcome to the Great Salt Lake Leadership Academy, a weekend series that will bring students from across the watershed to various regions of the Great Salt Lake ecosystem. Students will learn from experts at the forefront of Utah's water world who are working for a better future. This weekend series will take place on one to three Saturdays per month throughout the Fall semester, from 09/14/24 to 11/16/24.

We believe young people not only have a right to be involved in Great Salt Lake’s rescue, but are intensely needed. We only stand a chance of forging a new path of saline lake leadership with the energy, creativity, and commitment of young leaders in our communities. 

The Great Salt Lake Leadership Academy will expand and empower youth involvement in the race to save our home. We are recruiting high school and college-aged lake advocates (14 years old and up) from across the watershed.

Interested students will also have the opportunity to participate in follow-up programs that cultivate leadership skills. Additionally, students have the opportunity to establish or join Grow the Flow Student Chapters and develop advocacy campaigns with the resources, knowledge, and networks necessary to assist in sustainable water management solutions.

This program was inspired by and created in conversation with Terry Tempest Williams and the Harvard Divinity School’s 2024 Pilgrimage to Great Salt Lake. We hope it will provide the educational and experiential foundation for local students to feel the love, inspiration, and support necessary to lead the movement to save our sacred lake.
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Preferred first & last name *
Email *
Contact phone number *
Preferred contact method *
Which event(s) are you signing up for? Registration is free for all events. Participants are welcome to attend as many or as few events as they would like. Check all that apply.
Are you under 18? If so, we will need a guardian to fill out a permission form for each event you attend, which we will email to you. *
Snacks and/or lunch will be provided. Do you have any food allergies or dietary needs/preferences we should be aware of?
Emergency contact name and phone number, just in case we need it.
Are you in need of transportation assistance? If so, our Student Chapter Manager will contact you via email to discuss arrangements. *
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