Blitz Chess Tournament Registration - Saturday, June 3rd, 2023, 2-5 PM
You are registering for Lighthouse's Blitz Chess Tournament, Saturday, June 3rd, 2023, from 2-5 PM at Lighthouse Baptist Church @ 2600 N White Ave, La Verne, CA 91750, United States. To give your chess rating information is optional, it will be used to create a fair bracket system using a Swiss style tournament pairing.  Please use one form per participant.   If you have any question, please text Elijah Adidjaja (909-845-0760)
*Registration starts at 1:45PM. Please come early to avoid missing a round.
**We will text you more information and details a few days before the event. 
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Full Name * Username (If you don't have one, please leave it blank, but highly recommended, its free to make one) rating (If you don't have one, please leave it blank, but highly recommended for it will help us create a better bracket. Without this information brackets will be assigned randomly)
Phone/Text number *
How did you hear about this chess tournament?
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