New Student Contact Info 新學生聯絡資料
Welcome! and Thank you for choosing to join the music journey with Miss Elizabeth Yu.

All answers will be confidential. 所有所輸入的資料會保密。
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Email *
Instrument 樂器 *
Student Name (Full Name) 學生名字 (全名) *
Student Email 學生電郵
For score access, event updates etc. 用以分享樂譜,活動通知等用途。
Lesson Address 上門課堂地址 *
Where you wish the lesson to take place 希望上課的地點
Current Standard of Student's Instrument playing 學生樂器的程度 *
Preferred Lesson Time 希望上課時間 *
eg: (Monday afternoon; Wednesday 2-4pm; Saturday any time before 6pm);
Primary Parent / Contact Information 家長/主要聯絡人資料
If the contact is different from the student, please provide the following details for future contact.
Primary Parent / Contact's Name 家長/主要聯絡人名稱 *
This can be your full name, or your preferred title. 可以是您的名稱或稱呼
Primary Parent / Contact's Number 家長/主要聯絡人聯絡電話號碼 *
The communication software used with the number provided 以上電話號碼在使用的通訊軟件
You can simply choose your most preferable software instead. 您可以只選擇你較傾向使用的軟件。
Primary Parent / Contact's Email address 家長/主要聯絡人電郵地址
For receiving invoice, access to student record, and future updates etc. 用以接收收據、查閱學生課堂記錄及接收活動通知等。
Anything you want to add for Miss Yu to know? 還有其他需要余老師知道的資訊嗎?
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