Become a Member
There are no membership fees to join ASFS.  

Being a member will allow you to join our community, access our ASFS forums, nominate and vote for the Nommo Awards.
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Email *
First Name *
Surname *
Email:  We need your email address to include you in voting for the Nommo awards and for communication purposes.  We will not use your email address for any marketing purposes by outside bodies.  By giving us your email address, you are agreeing to this use. *
Country of Residence *
African Nationality *
To be a member you have to be an African by our definitions.  Please tick situation or situations that apply to you:
In some cases, ASFS will accept migrants to Africa who now live in Africa.  Please specify:
I confirm that I have at least one published piece of FICTION of the fantastic - consisting of either science fiction, fantasy, traditional belief, supernatural or fantastical elements. *
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