Own Your Story Volunteer Form
The conference cannot happen without the faithful service of volunteers. This is a Christian-based event, so volunteers will need to make sure they always present themselves in a way that is professional and aligns with our core values. If interested, please apply to be a Volunteer at Own Your Story Meet and Greet 2024 Conference.
Email *
Volunteer Responsibilities
Welcome Team (1)
  • Check in attendees

Hospitality Team (4)
  • Set up food/beverages
  • Distribute food
  • Clean up

Smilebiz LLC Vendor Table Assistant (1)
  • Monitoring merchandise
  • In charge of selling of products
  • Manage payments for products

Set up Crew (2)

  • Place banners/signs at entrance of Venue
  • Rearrange tables and chairs
  • Break down decorations
I am interested in the following areas *
Name *
Email *
Phone Number *
Have you volunteered at a conference or an event before? *
Why do you want to volunteer at the Own Your Story Meet and Greet? *
Do you have any physical limitations or allergies that may impact the area in which you are interested in volunteering? If yes, what are they? *
Emergency contact: Name and Phone Number *
A copy of your responses will be emailed to .
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