Faster Than Normal ADHD Accelerator by Peter Shankman Coaching application
Thank you so much for your interest in joining Faster Than Normal ADHD Coaching Accelerator. Please fill out the following application, and I will be in touch.

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Are you a
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Have you been diagnosed ADHD by a doctor?
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Describe your ADHD in one sentence
Describe the NEGATIVES of your ADHD
Describe the POSITIVES of your ADHD
Describe your perfect scenario of using your ADHD to your advantage
How are you hoping to benefit from ADHD Coaching?
What is your ADHD Superpower?
Have you tried this before?
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If yes, why do you think it didn't work?
Tell me something random about yourself, non-ADHD related.
How did you hear about ShankMinds: ADHD Accelerator?
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I understand ShankMinds: ADHD Accelerator is a private coaching program. The monthly rate is $1000/month, for a minimum of six months. *
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