Chanticleer Guided Tour Reservation Form
Thank you for your interest in a group guided tour of Chanticleer. Group guided tours are 90 minutes and take place at 10:30am or 1:30pm on Wednesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays. The cost $30 per person, and there is a $300 minimum required to book. To request a group guided tour, please fill out the form below. After completing the form, if you wish to speak to a staff member, please call 610.687.4163 x 143.
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Name of Organization or Group *
Contact Person's Full Name *
Telephone Number *
Email Address *
Mailing Address
ex. 123 Your Rd, Yourtown, state 99999
Preferred Tour Date *
This date is not guaranteed, we will contact you to confirm the date of your tour.
Preferred Tour Time *
Alternate Tour Date *
What is the anticipated attendance for your tour? *
Is anyone in your group in a wheelchair?
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Arriving By *
What size bus will you be arriving on?
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