I'm looking to put together a group of like minded folks who want to play regular dnd together. A fellowship if you will.  We are looking for players who .  A lot of the following questions have nothing to do with DND.   Ultimately, what's most important to me is a group that gets along and has great chemistry.  Folks likely to chat in the discord server in between sessions.  
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Dimension 20 or Critical role *
Do weekend mornings/day/early evenings regularly work for you *
What do you like to go by?  What are your pronouns *
Do you regularly check discord and respond to messages?
How old are you?  How old do you feel?
Do you do a character voice?
What's your Discord? *
What's your favorite fantasy setting (book, movie, game, etc)? *
What humans do you find the funniest (actor, comedian, etc)? *
What kind of split between roleplay and combat do you prefer?

How do you handle conlict?
How do you like to be involved in a campaign? 
How do you go about creating a character?
What is your experience with D&D and other tabletops?

What are your DND pet peeves?  
What types of characters do you like to play?
Anything else you'd like to share?
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