Complimentary Consultation Call Application
Thank you for your interest in booking a complimentary consultation call with Asya. These sessions are for those who are eager to feel better in their bodies and are seeking expert guidance along the way. Once I receive your response, I will send you a scheduling link. Please answer the questions below to the best of your ability and press "send".
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Email *
Name *
Phone *
Where are you located? *
How did you find out about Asya *
What is the main problem you'd like help with? *
How is this problem impacting your daily activities (this might include things like your physical comfort, mood, sleep, job, relationships, or overall happiness) *
What are the most important changes you’d like to make, or goals you’d like to achieve? (this might include things like pain reduction, resuming certain activities, expediting recovery, etc) *
What have you already tried? *
What resources and support systems do you have to help you with your healing? *
What additional challenges are you facing right now related to your health and life situation? *
How committed are you right now to improving your health and wellbeing? *
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