Better Belly Therapies - Appointment Waitlist
This form is for in-office appointments only at our metro-Detroit clinic.

Once you have completed this form, we will notify you as soon as an appointment slot becomes available. To best serve all our clients, you will have 4 hours to respond to our communication, which we will do via your preferred method of communication.

If you do not answer within 4 hours, we will contact the next client after you and you may lose the appointment slot.

If you are not local to Detroit but are looking for our virtual functional gut health services, we invite you to visit to learn more about our 100% virtual functional health program, the Foundations Program (available for clients in the U.S. and Canada).
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Email *
First Name *
Last Name *
Phone Number *
Preferred Method of Contact *
Type of Appointment: *
How did you hear about Better Belly Therapies? *
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