Show your interest in bringing Vuma/Legends Connect Fibre to your complex.
We just need a bit of info from you to make this a reality.

This survey will take approximately 5 minutes to complete.
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Name and surname. *
Unit/house number *
Complex/Estate Name *
Street name *
Suburb *
Email address *
Contact number *
Are you currently making use of internet in our home? *
If yes, please specify the type of connection?
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Who is your provider?
Are you in a contract?
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On average, what are you currently spending on your internet monthly? *
If available to you, would you be interested in taking up Vuma/Legends Connect Fibre service in your home? *
If no, what would the reason be?
I agree to share my personal details and them them process with Vumatel, Legends Connect and their partners. (Your details will be used to keep you updated o the progress of the project.) *
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