Jumpstart Profile Book Team!
Thank you for your interest in joining Sandra's book launch team!  Please fill in this information. Sandra will send you a PDF copy of her newest book.
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Details and Expectations: You will receive an advance PDF copy of the book so you can read it before launch. On launch day, the kindle e-book price will be artificially low at 99 cents on Amazon. Please purchase it for 99 cents and leave a review.  Bonuses for you: Extra education and personalized focus! You will be invited to a private team webinar and QA session. You will also be given access to a profile resource toolkit. Let me know if this is OK with you? ( you have a chance to ask questions or give your ideas at the bottom of this form) *
QUICK SIDE NOTE: You don't need a kindle reader to get a kindle book. It can be read on computer, phone, or tablet too.
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Sandra is trying to get the book in the hands of people early so that her book launch will be successful.  Do you know any podcasters or other connections that might ve valuable? Please add your comments OR ideas OR questions! Thank you
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