Writers Campaign - FYP Owners Club
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This campaign was born to allow every writer to use their skills to earn FYP and participate to FYP payouts. It was also thought to include in the Owners Club a community of writers who produce and publish valuable articles for through their channels (i.e. blogs, forums, social media accounts).

Payments will be made in Tokens (FYP) and as communicated, writers can qualify for two tiers depending on their following and reach. Only articles that fit the writing directions and timeline are eligible for payment. A Gold tier article is 1000 FYP and Silver tier article is 500 FYP. Authors of qualified articles will receive payments weekly. There is no lock up period for FYP.

Telegram Chat
A dedicated telegram chat will be opened to give all the further instructions. People who join the writer program through the Google form will be contacted and added to the FYP Writer Chat. Articles will be submitted to the Team through the Telegram chat.


There will be 2-4 article topics given by the team every week. You can choose to write 1 article for each topic suggested. Relatively inactive writers will be dropped to make space for active writers. A completed job is a written article of original content, cleared by the team (submission through telegram group) and published by you within 48 hours of our job posting in Telegram chat. 48 hours is a guideline, not a rule. Exceptions may be made based on circumstance, i.e. time difference.

Articles have to contain keywords that will be decided by the team. Placement of the keyword matters, too. Keywords have to appear once in either the title, sub-title or first paragraph. Keyword instructions come with every job posting

Writing will have to be unbiased, reasoned and independent. Do refrain from writing negatively towards projects, other exchanges, or Repeated negative writers will be dropped.

Tier Change reserves the right to change tiers of writers, based on quality of work and extend of reach/following. This should not happen unless there are extenuating circumstances. Similarly, if you feel you deserve an upgrade of tier, do get in contact with the Team. also reserves the right to drop a writer.
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Sign up for Global Writers
We are searching for writers to write for remotely. Selected writers are expected to produce original content and publish it through their channels (social media, blog etc.) The articles' direction, materials and instructions will be provided by through a dedicated telegram channel. Payments will be made in Token (FYP), there is no minimum holding period.

There are 2 tiers based on the writer's influence and reach. Writing an article and posting it through your social networks and web portals will be about 500FYP for Silver Tier and 1000FYP for Gold Tier.
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Do you understand that payment is made in FYP? *
Are you going to publish article review on Facebook? *
Are you going to publish article review on Twitter? *
Are you going to publish article review on Steemit? *
Are you going to publish article review on your blog/website? *
Are you going to publish article review on Youtube? *
Are you going to publish article review on Reddit? *
Are you going to publish article review on Bitcointalk? *
Please write urls where you are going to publish article review *
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