Rhubarb Botanicals Plant Sale 2025 - Feedback Form
Winter may be just beginning but spring isn't far away! In just a few weeks we'll be starting seeds in our grow room and we are looking forward to growing plant starts for you again in 2025. We offer fairly unique varieties of plant starts, spanning the categories of native plants, vegetables, cut flowers, culinary herbs, medicinal herbs, and dahlia tubers.

Before we finalize our seeding plans, we want to hear from you! What varieties would you like to see us offer this year? What did you love having in your garden last year? What resources do you need to help your garden grow? Let us know your thoughts through this form. Your feedback is much appreciated as we plan another great growing season!

Dates to know:
- Plant Sale online pre-orders will open in early February 2025. 
- Plants and dahlia tubers will be available for local pick-up in Mt Vernon, IA in May 2025.
- Dahlia Tubers will go on sale online December 12th! Tubers ship nationwide in late March/early April and are available for local pick-up in Mt Vernon, IA in early May 2025.

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Have you purchased plant starts from Rhubarb Botanicals before?
Did you participate in our online pre-order program in previous years?
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If yes, do you have any feedback or changes you'd recommend about the pre-order ordering process?
What weekend would you prefer to pick-up your plant starts? Note that plants will be smaller, less mature, and will need to be hardened off the earlier they are picked up.
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What varieties of plant starts would you be interested in purchasing in 2025? Check all that apply.
We typically offer cut flower varieties in 4-packs. Would you rather have mixed colors in one 4-pack, or all 4 plants in one color? (ex. Zinnia Benary's Mix vs Zinnia Benary's Coral Pink)
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Specific Seed / Variety Requests
This next section is where we welcome your requests for specific plant varieties. It would also help to know how many plant starts of each variety you'd be interested in purchasing if we decide to add them to our offerings. 
ex. Vegetable suggestions: Habanero Pepper (4)
Native Plant suggestions:
Herb suggestions:
Vegetable suggestions:
Flower suggestions:
Would you be interested in purchasing bags of potting soil at our in-person plant sales?
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Dahlias are beautiful flowers that are typically propagated through tuber (root) division so that the flowers are true-to-type. We offer over 20 varieties of dahlia tubers and occasionally take vegetative cuttings to create potted plants for transplanting. Dahlia tubers are planted 4" deep in the ground, sprout 2 weeks later, and at the end of the season will produce a large tuber clump underground that you can divide and get 4-6 more tubers. Potted cuttings are transplanted just like any other plant and grow quickly, and may or may not develop a full tuber clump by the fall. Both are effective ways to grow lovely dahlias!
Which format would you prefer?
If you have purchased plant starts or dahlia tubers from us before, please leave us a review so we can share your feedback with others! We appreciate your thoughts.
Anything else you'd like to add?
Thank you! - Emma
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