Enrolment Enquiry for Christ the King
If interested in enrolling your child at Christ the King please fill out the Enrolment Enquiry Form. Once we have your details we will contact you to arrange a time to meet and to take a tour of the school.

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Enrolment for Prep 2023 will consist of two Prep classes with 20-21 students in each Prep Class. The official enrolment period for Prep students is from Monday Feb 28th - Friday April 29th (2022). There is no official enrolment period for students from other year levels. Enquiries are welcome at any time.
Child's Name *
Parent/ Guardian Names *
Mobile Number *
Residential Address *
Name of Kinder/Pre School/ School your Child is currently attending *
Year Level of Prospective Student *
When would your require your child to start school?
What special needs, if any, should we know about your child?
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