RGCA Fundraising & Events Committee Application 

This committee is tasked with creating and facilitating unique and special occasions that will provide opportunities for our members to connect and engage with one another. This fun and lively group is responsible for the many signature events produced by the RGCA and partner organizations. They support and collaborate with other committees such as the Ambassadors and Marketing Development, where responsibilities may overlap.  Committee members have the opportunity to participate at Alliance events and programs.

Meeting Time: 2nd Wednesday of the Month, 7:30 a.m.

Time Commitment: 3-4 hours per month avg.

Committee Co-Chairs:

Carla Braddy with Coming Home Realty/The Hive

Gail Dexter with Royal Gorge Bridge & Park

Please fill out the form below to the best of your knowledge, and an Events Committee Membership Coordinator will reach out for further details.
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Name *
First and last name
Email *
Phone number *
Are you currently serving on any other volunteer boards or committees? *
If YES, please list below.
Have you attended any RGCA events?  If so, click all that apply below.
List some of your favorite community events and explain why.
Please let us know a little about yourself in the area below.  Based on the committee description, list any professional and/or life skills and talents that you think would be relevant to serving on the Fundraising & Events Committee.  

Thank you taking the time to apply and give back to your business community!
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