RWRC's Hot Ink Creative Writing Program Application Form
Hot Ink is a free, extra-curricular Creative Writing program for young women in Richmond, Grades 8 to 12. It provides a setting for participants to meet peers with similar interests.

The program’s main goals are to (1) increase the self-confidence of young women, and (2) push the boundaries of self-expression.

Students in grade 8 to grade 12 from all schools in Richmond are welcome to join us. The program allows participants to explore various forms of creative writing including, but not limited to, short stories, poetry, and journal writing. Additionally, students will be involved in all aspects of producing a publication with their works at the end of the program.

To sign up for the program, please fill out this Google Form.

Please email us at or call us at 604-279-7060 if you have any questions.
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Name *
Phone Number *
Email Address *
Address *
Date of birth *
Your current grade *
What is your first language?
What other language(s) do you speak? *
How fluent are you in English on a scale of 1 to 5 (in speaking and writing) *
Where did you hear about this program? *
Can you tell us a little about yourself (e.g. hobbies, talent, pets, future goals or plans) *
Are there any allergies or medical conditions that we should be aware of? *
Please provide the name and phone number of your emergency contact (Name, relationship and phone number) *
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