2024 Graduation Celebration Trip
For our 2024 'JCC schoolies' trip for our graduating class, we are considering travelling overseas. . .to TASMANIA!!! It will be an amazing experience and celebration of completing school. 
  • 7 days (18 Nov - 24 Nov)
  • 1 night in Hobart, 5 Nights at a house at Coles Bay (pictured above)
  • Activities include hiking, beach combing, games, guided sequence of reflections led by Mick Rae
  • The approximate cost will be $400 plus airfares.
At this point in time, we are just trying to ascertain if this is a viable option, or if we should investigate a more local venue.

To assist us in planning, lease complete this form by Monday 27 May.
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Are you interested in attending a JCC graduation celebration trip?
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Taking the cost into consideration, would you be interested in a trip to Tasmania?
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