FA Snickers Just Play Support Fund
Interested in setting up an adult (16+) recreational football session? 
Along with the start up kit and equipment package there is also funding support avaiable through this short form! 

There are many reasons why you might start a new recreational football session!
Community: 'Start a session for your clubs spectators or parents' 
Social: 'Start a social kickabout with your mates'
Competition: 'Start a kickabout to build a new team for next season'

This form doesn't save so we recommend copy and pasting the questions onto a word document and once you have everything together, complete the form and hit submit.
Please be aware, from applying for the funding to receiving funding can take at least 6 weeks, we recommend that you plan this into your start date if your session or event is reliant on funding.
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Lead Persons Name *
Lead persons contact email
Lead persons phone number
Name of group / club / organisation
Location of group / club / organisation
Please give us the name and the postcode
Short description of group or community you're looking to work with
What is the age range of your group, what activity/reason/purpose do they come together, are there any accessibility requirements that are needed (seated exercise, prayer time, etc)
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