Mason Music Substitute Receptionist Application
Mason Music is an equal opportunity employer. We value diversity and work to create an inclusive environment for all employees. We are pleased to offer job opportunities to highly qualified, skilled, and personable applicants. To be considered for a position at Mason Music, please fill out this application and email your resume to  
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How did you find out about this job? *
Personal Information
First Name
Last Name
Phone Number
Email Address
Street Address
Zip Code
Why are you interested in working at Mason Music?
Highest Level of Education Completed
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College(s) Attended
List name of institution, degree received, major/specialty, and dates attended in the space provided.
College GPA (if applicable)
Work Experience
Please use the space provided to list work experience starting with your most recent employment
Job 1
Please list your job title, Employer Name, Phone Number, and your job duties
Job 2
Please list your job title, Employer Name, Phone Number, and your job duties
Job 3
Please list your job title, Employer Name, Phone Number, and your job duties
What is your availability?
Not Available
All Day
3:30 pm - 9:00 pm
1:00 pm - 9:00 pm
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Please list 3 professional references including full name, relationship, and phone number. Please do not list family members as references.
Have you reviewed the Job Description for this position on our website?
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Please visit to take the Myers Briggs Type Indicator test and enter your result below: *
Electronic Signature
By entering your name here, you are certifying that all entries on this job application and any attachments are true and complete. I also agree and understand that any falsification of this information may result in the loss of my job. This information is also subject to verification and I consent to criminal history and background checks. I also agree that you may contact references and educational institutions listed on this application.
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