TensorDock Hosting Application Form
Apply to become a TensorDock host
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Hi, welcome to TensorDock!
We're building a compute marketplace. You run our software to list your GPUs on our marketplace, and you get paid when they get used!

You'd run a simple install script that installs our hypervisor, set your prices, and that's it! VMs would be orchestrated on your hardware, and you'd receive a payout in your bank account every month based on how much our customers use.
We recommend a gigabit connection (shared between all servers at one location) with 100 forwarded ports OR a dedicated IP for each server.

Each server must have:
- 16 GB of RAM per GPU
- PCIE 4.0 x8 / 3.0 x16 bandwidth per GPU
- At least 8 CPU threads per GPU
- A graphics device that will not be passed through to customers (e.g., an old GPU, integrated graphics, or onboard graphics)***
- At least one SSD (preferably NVMe, but SATA SSD is acceptable). Ideally, it should be a datacenter-grade SSD, but any SSD with a DRAM cache is acceptable.

IMPORTANT: The host node must be hosted in an actual data center to ensure the best availability possible

This will be a marketplace for compute. Higher quality hardware will earn more, as people will pay less for virtual machines with GPUs that have inadequate bandwidth (e.g., PCIE 3.0 x4) compared to those with adequate bandwidth (e.g., PCIE 3.0 x16).
How much will GPU hosts earn?
Customers love the cloud we've built because of our easy-to-use API and our ML image. We have customers running all imaginable workloads: VR streaming, cloud gaming, rendering, and of course, machine learning. We have resellers who have built businesses reselling our compute. We think we can leverage a marketplace model to enable our customers to deploy in more locations than we would be able to operate by ourselves. We think we can build a contender against AWS by aggregating all of the independent hosting services in the world onto a single platform.

Also: we need hosts to have integrated graphics, another older GPU, or a motherboard graphics device. For example, the ROMED8-2T has the AST2500 graphics processor, which acts as one. Your server would use this GPU for its own graphics so that the NVIDIA GPU can be fully passed through to the virtual machines that will host customers. 

Keep in mind that you will be able to set your own prices on the marketplace. We'll charge a 25% fee, which will go to credit card processing fees, marketing, software development, etc. — all essential to generating adequate demand to continually rent out your servers. ; so there is a very likely possibility that you will be able to earn much more than these.
To ensure stability of hosts and guarantee clients a pleasant experience, we will charge these penalties:
99.99% uptime: pro-rated revenue loss plus 5% penalty (e.g. 1 reboot)
99.9%: pro-rated revenue loss plus 20% penalty (e.g. short power outage)
99%: pro-rated revenue loss plus 40% penalty (e.g. extended power outage)
Lower or preventable data loss: account ban
With that information provided, let's start!
If you don't meet our requirements as of now, that's fine; when we do expand our pool of eligible hosts in the future, so we'll contact you then!
First: Where are you?
What is the nearest city to you? *
E.g. Boston if you lived in Concord, Massachusetts
What state/province do you live in? *
E.g. Massachusetts if you lived in Concord, Massachusetts
What country do you live in? *
E.g. United States if you lived in Concord, Massachusetts
Next: Your setup
How fast is your internet, in mbps? *
E.g. 1000 mbps for a gigabit connection
How many power outages have you faced in the past 24 months? *
We are looking for hosts that have either a reliable power supply or have their own power redundancy (e.g. backup generators).
Finally: Give us an example configuration you can provide
What are the GPUs on this configuration? *
E.g. 2x 3090 + 2x 3080 Ti. Please, NVIDIA only. AMD GPUs are not accepted at this moment.
What are the CPUs on this configuration? *
E.g. 2x AMD EPYC 7542
How many PCIE lanes and what version, on average, does each GPU get? *
E.g. PCIE 3.0 x16 for each GPU
How many GB of RAM do you have on this server? *
E.g. 64 GB
How many GBs of storage can you provide on this configuration? *
E.g. 1000 GB
How many of these servers can you provide? *
E.g. 25
What is the storage backend? *
We are prioritizing hosts with NVMe SSDs for now, but we will eventually add hosts with SATA SSDs.
How did you learn about us? *
Anything else?
Optional. Maybe use this space to tell us a fun fact about yourself?
Woohoo! You've made it this far!
Once you press your "submit" button, you'll receive a copy of your submission via email. Expect to hear from us in the coming months when we're ready to onboard you or in a few days if you have an especially attractive configuration.

If you have a configuration that is completely incompatible with our requirements, we will email you to let you know within a few days of your form submission as well.
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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