Cyclical 6 Wellbeing Sessions 
Ready to combat indecision, uncertainty and inconsistency? 
Have healthy, loving boundaries? 
Regulate your cycle? 
Understand your energy levels? 
Find a focused, purposeful FLOW?

Then we want to work with you and support you to step into your power because we believe it's possible for you. You're here, after all!

Nour is a yoga instructor, mental health professional, motivational interviewer and wellness expert, who has a unique way of bringing your values to the forefront of your sessions. As a British Arab, she is aware of cultural differences and is inclusive in her offerings regardless of gender, sexuality, religion, race.

Please complete the form below if you would like to work 1-2-1 with Nour on your cyclical wellbeing.

Price: £60 per session OR current offer below:

Concessionary rates available, message for details. 
Email *
Email *
Your name *
Do you already track your cycle or the moon?
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If yes, for how long (approximately)?
What contraception do you use (if applicable)?
What's your biggest struggle when it comes to your cycle?
These sessions also focus on your holistic health. What's your biggest area of challenge at the moment?
What are you hoping to get out of these sessions?
Is there anything else you'd like me to be aware of? (e.g. health issues current or previous, considerations, anything else)
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