iwata-Tech Influencer Recruitment
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What is iwata-Tech influencer program?
We are seeking for the social media influencers who would like to test our products in their upcoming projects. Once selected, you will be offered the iwata-Tech products of your choice, join our influencer community, and being updated for our newly released products in the future. The influencers who are cooperative and actively engaged in promoting our products will be selected for other projects, for examples, event participation, commercial video, and ambassador program.
Who is eligible to apply?
Whether you are a professional or amateur photographer, filmmaker, content creator in various fields (food, lifestyle, adventure, travel, etc.), vlogger, you are welcome to apply the iwata-Tech influencer program.
What are the influencers' responsibilities?
You may create various type of contents, like images, videos, review videos, behind the scene images or videos, written articles or reviews. You may share them on your social media platforms, like Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, personal website, etc. You may need to tag us or link to our official website.
How to apply?
Fill in the form below, and we will be in touch with you about the outcome of our decision within a week.
Name *
Address *
Email *
Products to be reviewed *
Social Media Accounts *
username & number of followers for Instagram, Facebook, TikTok, etc.
Forms of content *
Estimated days of completion
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