The Ahavas Yisrael Response - 45 Days
The Ahavas Yisrael Response is a 45 day Ahavas Yisrael* initiative and our response to the Meron tragedy.  It is an initiative based off of the original Ahavas Yisrael (AY) Project founded in 2008.  

Everyone knows that we should be working on Ahavas Yisrael, but we don't always know how we can do that practically.  

*The 45 day pilot program has ended but due to its success, weekly lessons are still being sent out and the sign up is open to new groups.  (Upon sign up, you'll start receiving lessons from Week One.)


It's simple.
1.  Sign up below to START a group and confirm your group time and location.  (ONLY the group host/leader needs to sign up.)

2.  Once signed up, start inviting your friends and neighbors!

3.  You'll receive your Starter Materials with everything you need to get your group started.  (It includes basic guidelines and your first lesson.)  No advance preparation required.  
Each lesson consists of a pre-prepared 20-minute lesson that addresses a topic in Ahavas Yisrael, group discussion questions, and a bite-sized goal for the week.  

Join hundreds of women around the world that are responding to the call of '?מה'

What can WE do?  We can take responsibility by making small changes that will make a big impact!

Watch Rebetzin Tziporah Heller-Gottlieb on the Ahavas Yisrael Response:

Sign up below to start your group!
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
First and Last Name *
I would like to: *
Location (# Street Name) or (Zoom)* *
City, State (Country) *
Day of the week *
Time *
If you're interested in hosting a group in your home, can we list your name so others can join? *
How would you like to be contacted by new members? *
Phone number
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