Request for Calendar Events and Rooms/Resources
In an effort to streamline our process and assure that the needs of all groups are met, we are requesting that church members use this form for every church event. When you have an event at church, we want you to be confident that you will have what you need for your event to be successful so that you can focus on your ministry.

Completing this form will allow an event to be added to the church calendar. It will also allow for rooms and outside areas to be reserved.  Resources such as  technology, church minibus, and church van may also reserved. The reservations are needed in order for air conditioning and heat to be provided and for the unlocking/locking of doors at the appropriate times.  We would like to help make your event run as smoothly as possible by assuring that the details are managed correctly. We appreciate your help with this.

Event requests should be submitted by 1pm each Wednesday for any events planned for the following week.

If you need promotion of your event or activity, please submit this Communications Request Form.
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