Community Feedback Form
Thank you for participating in our community feedback form. Your input is invaluable in helping us address potential concerns regarding loose dogs in our community. This form seeks to gather your thoughts and experiences to better understand the extent of any issues and identify possible solutions. Your responses will assist us in creating a safer environment for everyone in our neighborhood.
Please take a few moments to share your thoughts and experiences. Your responses will remain anonymous and confidential.
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How much of a concern are loose dogs for you in your community?
Not much of a concern
Very concerned
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Do you have concerns of being chased by a loose dog in your community?
Not much of a concern
Very concerned
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Do you have concerns of being bitten by a loose dog in your community?
Not much of a concern
Very concerned
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Have you had or witnessed any incidents with loose dogs in your community? If so, can you describe those incidents?
What do you think would be an effective solution to loose dogs in the community?
What else would you like to share about loose dogs in your community?
What is your age range?
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What is your identified race/ ethnic identity?  (Please check all that apply).
Where did you hear about this survey?
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Where is your current address located near? 

Example: 9710 Forest Lane, Dallas TX, 75243 would be 9700 block of Forest Lane, Dallas TX, 75243
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