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Welcome to the Agronomy Club!
We will host bi-weekly dinners, meetings, and tours starting at 5:30pm in Nutrien 102!
Instagram: @csuagronomyclub
2/13 - CHS interview
2/27 - Buena Vida (trees)
3/6 - Growing Project
3/20 Teach Me to Grow
3/27 - Todd Ballard, Agronomy extension
4/10 - Colorado Wheat growers
4/24 - Volunteer: Sproutin Up
**For all field trips, we will meet in Nutrien 102 and carpool out.
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When will we lose you to graduation?
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Major(s), minor(s), concentration(s)
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What are you interested in?
Sustainability, water quality, irrigation, carbon sequestration, pollinators, pest and disease, weed name it! Agriculture is so diverse and that's what makes it interesting
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What do you hope to gain from becoming a member of the Agronomy Club?
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Any dietary restrictions/preferences? One category per line please :)
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