Examining Voter Turnout
Look over the Voter Statistics from the 2012 election (Use the bipartisan policy link on the website) and answer the questions below.

2012 Voter Turnout - https://bipartisanpolicy.org/library/2012-voter-turnout/
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1. For the 2012 Election find out how many US Citizens were eligible to vote, and how many actually did. Write down the two numbers and roughly what percentage of eligible voters actually participated. *
2. Find out what was the total population of the United States in 2012 and then use your number of voters who participated in the 2012 election to find out roughly what percent of the United States’ total population voted in the 2012 election. In your opinion are these numbers good or bad? Explain. *
3. Next look at the State Statistics. What state had the highest percentage of voter turnout? Which had the lowest? Write down their % VAP for the 2012 Election. *
4. Look at your state, was the voter turnout good or bad? Explain what might impact the voter turnout in your state. *
5.   Look at the Map of the Electoral Votes for the States and how they voted in the 2012 election and the 2004 election (Linked) and explain why swing states like Florida, Ohio, Illinois, and Pennsylvania and so Important. Note: 270 votes are needed to win.    https://www.270towin.com/historical-presidential-elections/ *
6. Which election was actually the bigger victory? The 2004 or the 2012 Election? Look at the Electoral Votes secured to tell which one was bigger. Explain your answer and what made the difference between the two and connect back to the idea of the major swing states. *
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