Get Involved!
Our 2023 field season and 2024 lab sessions have finished, but we plan to have a few opportunities for engagement with detailed lab analyses and future planning over the summer and then again in the fall. Please fill out this short form and someone from the project team will contact you shortly. 
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What is your name? *
What is the best way to contact you? (Please include a phone number or email address) *
Which of these activities would you like to be involved with? Please check all that apply. *
How would you describe your relationship to West Philadelphia? Do you live here? Did your parents? Their parents? (Optional)
 Do you have any direct or familial connections to the Black Bottom neighborhood of West Philadelphia? This is not necessary for participation, but our project is particularly interested in connecting with former Black Bottom residents or their descendants. (Optional)
What brought you to this project? Why do you want to participate? (Optional)
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