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School Tours & Workshops
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* Indicates required question
Select your Workshop/Tour (2 hours each)
學校導覽及工作坊 (每節兩小時)
Note: for options with
, our staff will arrange a call with you to discuss the details of your visit
Save Your Files! 為自己存檔
Book as a Creative Medium 創作由書本開始
The Story that I Haven't Told 我沒有訴說的故事
*Creative Research through the Archive 透過檔案進行創意研究
*Tailor-Made School Tour 按需要設計的學校導賞
Name of school/organisation 學校/機構名稱
Your answer
Contact person 聯絡人
Your answer
Contact email 聯絡電郵
Your answer
Contact number 聯絡電話
Your answer
Course / Subject / Class 課程 / 科目 / 年級
Your answer
Number of visitors 參觀人數
Your answer
1st preferred date and time 首選日期及時間
Your answer
2nd preferred date and time 次選日期及時間
Your answer
3rd preferred date and time 備選日期及時間
Your answer
Language 語言
Cantonese 廣東話
English 英語
Learning objectives 學習目標
Your answer
Other information/ 其他資料
Your answer
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