Bus Driver Application
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Email *
Today's Date *
Name *
Street address *
City, State & Zip Code *
Phone Number *
Email *
Name of the High School you attended
Location of High School
Highest Grade Completed
Name of College (if attended)
Location of the College
Highest Level Completed
List present position first
Do you currently have a CDL *
Please list your last three positions held, the employer with their address & phone number, and how long you were employed in each position. *
Professional References - Please list and provide contact information for three people that we may contact for a professional reference. *
Is there any reason why you cannot be highly punctual and regular in following an assigned work schedule? *
Have you ever been disciplined, non-renewed, or terminated from a position of employment as a result of allegations of poor performance or wrong-doing? *
Have you ever resigned a position following threats of non-renewal or termination? *
If you answered yes to the previous question, please explain each such instance below.
Please note that you must be able to pass a criminal background check, an ODOT physical, and complete all required licensing.
Three Rivers Local School District is an equal opportunity employer.
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