Registration_ 6 technical webinars: building sustainable urban food systems in the Mediterranean
Let's Food is organizing 6 thematic webinars, in order to create spaces for discussion, disseminate good practices and encourage the exchange of experiences between Mediterranean local authorities:
  1. Get trained to build urban food policies : December 13, 2023 from 4:30pm-6 pm (CET time),

  2. Raising children's awareness about sustainable food: January 24 2024, 4:30pm-6 pm (CET time),

  3. Fight against food waste : February 14, 4:30pm-6 pm (CET time),

  4. Producing quality local food: March 13, 4:30pm-6 pm (CET time),

  5. Developing market opportunities for local producers: April 17, 4:30pm-6 pm (CET time),

  6. Fight against food insecurity: June 12, 4:30pm-6 pm (CET time),

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I would like to intervene to share my experience during the webinar: *
If so, please present in a few lines the initiative you wish to share:
I would like to promote an initiative on the Let's Food Ideas platform :
If yes, please specify below which initiative it is and complete the following form. The Let's Food team will get back to you to put it online.
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