Group coaching application

Welcome to the application for the 12 weeks to Fitness group coaching program - a coaching program to help guide women along the journey in creating their dream body in a healthy & sustainable way. In this program, you'll have access to a progressive weight training program, custom macros, and the support & accountability to fit all the pieces together in a way that works for you.  

This is the application to apply for an interview to determine if you will be a good fit for the group coaching program.

Your time is valuable, as is mine! I only want to speak with motivated and dedicated women who are ready to take their health and fitness to the next level, figure out what's holding them back from reaching and KEEPING their goals, and help them gain the knowledge, tools, and support to make their dream bod a reality!

If that sounds like YOU--please fill this out!
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Name *
Age, height, and current weight *
Email address *
Phone number *
IG handle (if you have one)
How did you hear about me? *
What is your #1 health/fitness goal you'd like to accomplish in the next 12 weeks? Why is it important for you to reach that goal? And why is now the right time? *
What are your long-term health/fitness goals beyond the next 12 weeks? Please describe your future self once you've reached those goals: How do you look? How do you feel? *
Why are you reaching out for guidance? What have you struggled with most on your own? *
How familiar are you with weight training? Please explain your answer. *
What does your current physical activity regimen look like? *
Please list any physical limitations/injuries you have. *
What is your experience with counting macros, if any? *
Are you willing to commit to tracking your food intake diligently for 12 weeks? *
Please describe an average day of eating/drinking below, including water intake *
How often do you go out to eat, including fast food? *
How many hours of sleep do you get per night, on average? *
What do you do for work, and how many hours do you work per week? What's your schedule like?  *
How would you rate your current level of mental and physiological stress on a 1-10 scale? *
almost no stress at all
stressed to the max
How dedicated are you to reaching your 12-week health/fitness goals on a 1-10 scale? *
I don't really care that much
I will make this happen no matter what
Why did you choose that number? *
Investing in your health/fitness is exactly that... an investment. And if you want people to invest in you, you have to invest in yourself first. If we both feel like it's an absolute YES to work together, are you willing to put down the financial investment required to hire a coach? *
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