Event registration
Event Timing: March - December 2024
Event Address: Reigate High Street, Methodist Church Forecourt (53 High St, Reigate RH2 9AE)
For more information contact: Katy on 07538 032 563, enquiries@nature-reclaimed.shop  
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Email *
Your name *
Business name *
Telephone number *
Please give a brief description of the products or services you provide, including details of your social handles. *
Please detail the ways in which you have incorporated sustainability into your business. *
What dates would you like to attend? *
The majority of stalls at this market are outside, on the church courtyard, we strongly recommend a gazebo for these pitches. Please note your preference below. *
I understand that this is market is all about supporting small, local, ethical and sustainable businesses and is run not for profit.

I understand that my date selections above are not guaranteed (stalls are chosen based on avoiding overlap of products between stalls) and I will be contacted two months prior to the event date to confirm if a pitch is available.

I understand that if I have not paid the stall fee and provided evidence of valid public liability, one month prior to the event date, my place at the market will be re-allocated to another vendor.

I understand that the majority of stalls are outside and will be exposed to the elements and if I have selected this option I have a gazebo or will hire one for the event.

I understand that if I am unable to attend a market after payment has been made, that the fee will only be returned if my slot can be re-allocated to another vendor.
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