Overnight Guests & Visitation Request
  1. The Residential Guest policy is designed to balance the needs and interests of all members of the residential community while supporting residence hall safety, resident comfort, student development, academic achievement, and campus community. A guest is an individual who is not an enrolled student at Lincoln Memorial University or an individual who is not assigned to live in University housing. Visitors are defined as residential LMU students.
  2. Visitors and Guests are expected to follow all University policies and procedures. Residential Students accept responsibility for the actions and behaviors of their guests. Failure of guests to follow policies could result in a guest being removed from campus.
  3. All guests must register with the Office of Residential Housing in order to visit and be present in any residential facility on campus.
  4. Regular Visitation hours for all residence halls are from 8:00 AM – 2:00 AM on weeknights (Sunday Thursday). Visitation on the weekends (Fridays and Saturdays) is not limited to specific hours as long as all roommate(s) are amenable to a guest being present in the residential space.
  5. Guests must be escorted by their host at all times regardless of building or residential community. Guests may not be left in residential facilities while hosts are not present. In buildings with a shared bathroom facility (West and Liles), Visitors/Guests may only use the restroom facilities specific to the visitor’s/guest’s gender and only with the host/hostess standing by the outer door.
  6. Guests may not be provided with an access card or key to any residential facility. 
  7. Guests must be at least eighteen (18) years old and present a valid state issued ID that contains proof of age in order to register as a guest.
  8. Family members must register as guests with the Office of Residential Housing. Family members of Residents who are younger than sixteen (16) may register as guests but the resident or another registered family member must be present with the child at all times and the child is prohibited from staying overnight.
  9. Hosts of a guest are responsible for obtaining a temporary parking pass for their guest from Campus Police & Security.
  10. Guests must register as an overnight guest at least five (5) business days before planned arrival in order to stay overnight in any residential facility. Roommates must be agreeable to overnight guest presence. An overnight guest may not stay more than two (2) sequential nights and may not register with a different roommate to extend guest presence. Subsequently, a period of at least three (3) weeks must pass between each approved stay before a guest may register for an additional stay with the Office of Residential Housing. Residential students may not register as an overnight guest of another residential student.
  11. Any person who:
    1. stays in a residence hall without permission from the Office of Residential Housing;
    2. attempts to register fraudulently to avoid room and board costs; or 
    3. assists another in staying without permission or attempting to or registering fraudulently

may be charged the full cost of room and board for that semester and/or may be suspended.

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Guest's Name *
Guest's Birthday
Guest's Phone Number
Resident You are Visiting *
Relationship to Resident
Resident’s Hall and Room

Have you contacted Campus Security to receive a temporary parking permit for the duration of your stay?

Location: Tex Turner Arena- Level 2 (423-869-6911)


I have read and agree to the terms and conditions of an overnight stay found in the Railsplitter Community Standards Guide.

Resident Name

To be filled out by the residential student
Resident Phone Number *
Resident Hall and Room Number *
Relationship to Guest *
Dates of the Guest's Stay *

I have read and agree to the terms and conditions of an overnight stay found in the Railsplitter Community Standards Guide.

Roommate Name (If applicable)
Roommate's Agreement to Allow Guest
Roommate Name:   (If applicable)
Roommate's Agreement to Allow Guest
Roommate Name:   (If applicable)
Roommate's Agreement to Allow Guest
Roommate Name:   (If applicable)
Roommate's Agreement to Allow Guest
Roommate Name:   (If applicable)
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