EthNia Airdrop
EthNia is a revolutionary payment platform based on Smart Contract and Ethereum Blockchain technology to support pay with cryptocurrencies. Providing Fast, Secure and Flexible payment solutions. We offer Tokens to the first 5000 people who complete this form. You will need to join our social media channel to get the Airdrop.

EthNia Coin
Symbol : EthNia
Decimals : 0
Platform : Ethereum
Standard : ERC20 Token
Circulating Supply :  3,000,000
Max Supply : 5,000,000

To help us achieve this dream and help move EthNia Coin forward at a faster pace, we are allowing anyone who wishes to, to contribute to the project by donating.

Donating any amount of Eth is most definitely not expected and anyone who does donate will have our full appreciation and gratitude.

Any donations made before December 8th 2017 will be rewarded with the following amounts of EthNia.

1 Eth = 100,000 EthNia

0.5 Eth = 50,000 EthNia

0.1 Eth = 8000 EthNia

0.01 Eth = 800 EthNia

Donation address:
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Eth Wallet Address *
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