Santa Fe Tango - New Member Form
Thank you for signing up to be a member of Santa Fe Tango! 
Memberships are $25 and are valid for one year from the date you pay the membership fee.
Santa Fe Tango is a non-profit, volunteer-run organization with the mission of supporting local Argentine Tango social dancing. Becoming a member means you will receive discounts at club-sponsored events as well as periodic emails listing current tango events in the area. We want to list all tango events and support all of Santa Fe's Tango teachers, so please email us with anything we've missed!  Our email is; feel free to email us with any questions!
We look forward to dancing and being in community with you.
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Name (First & Last) *
Email Address *
Cell Phone (optional)
Choose your membership type *
Volunteer Interest
Notes, questions or other volunteer specialties
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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