Competition 6 (Part 1)
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Cathy is listening to a talk given by Shirley who works as an animal trainer at Ocean Park.  Listen carefully and answer Questions 1-5.  You have 30 seconds to study the questions.  You may start now.
1.  What was Shirley like when she was in primary school? *
2 points
2.  How long was the animal trainer training programme? *
2 points
3. What is the most difficult part of Shirley's job? *
2 points
4.  To become an animal trainer, a person must _______________. *
2 points
5.  Which of the following is CORRECT about Shirley? *
2 points
To listen to the audio file again, please click
Transcript of Test 6 (Part 1) is available after you submit your answer to Q5.
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