Call for Solidarity and Action on Gaza

List of signatories below - Traduction française ci-dessous

Petition by 146 civil society organizations addressed to:

The UN Secretary General

The Speaker of the EU Parliament

The  President of the European Commission

The Secretary General of the International Committee for the Red Cross

Over the past few days, the Gaza strip, one of the most densely populated places in the world and home to more than 2.2 million Palestinians living in 365 square kilometers, of which more than half are children, has been under a massive military onslaught by the Israeli army. Gaza's population, which has been under a tight and suffocating siege for nearly 17 years, is largely made up of Palestinian refugees displaced from Israel's crawling occupation. So far, more than 2,500 people have been killed, untold thousands injured, more than half a million forcibly displaced, including artists, writers and civil society leaders, and whole neighborhoods wiped out and flattened under heavy and indiscriminate Israeli bombardment. Israel has cut off all basic supplies including food, water, and fuel. Internet services were cut off on Friday as Israeli soldiers prepare a land invasion of the strip which they have been blockading from the sea, air and land for nearly two decades. This siege is preventing emergency humanitarian supplies that have been positioned on the Egyptian side of the border from entering. Hospitals are rapidly running out of supplies as international aid agencies are sounding alarm bells and warning that clear water and essential foodstuffs are running dangerously short endangering a whole people.

If not immediately addressed, the unfolding situation will result in one of the worst humanitarian crises the world has seen in decades. We call on all those around the world who believe in the basic tenets of humanity and justice to act now to help put a stop to this catastrophic humanitarian situation.

Nothing justifies the collective punishment of an entire population - of which the majority are children - and the limitless attacks on the Gaza Strip targeting Palestinian civilians, forcibly displacing them one more time, bombing their homes, schools and hospitals and destroying their infrastructure.  We grieve for all civilian lives lost and fear for the lives of all under imminent threat; no civilians should ever be targeted.

We are now requesting that you put all possible pressure on the Israeli government to take the following measures:

-        Immediately and without delay, open all crossing points to the Gaza Strip to allow all forms of humanitarian aid.
-        Restore fuel supply, electricity, water supply and communications to Gaza.
-        Allow forcibly displaced people to safely go back to their homes.
-        Accept an immediate humanitarian ceasefire.

We are also asking you to exert all necessary efforts to end the 16-year long siege of Gaza, and to actively endorse a political process that would lead to a sustainable and just peace in Palestine.

We hope that our voices as representatives of civil society worldwide will be heard and that the lives of civilians in the Gaza Strip will be spared.


Pétition des 146 organisations de la société civile adressée au:

Secrétaire général de l'ONU

Président du Parlement européen

Président de l'Union européenne

Secrétaire Général du Comité International de la Croix-Rouge

Ces derniers jours, la bande de Gaza, l'un des endroits les plus densément peuplés au monde, qui abrite plus de 2,2 millions de Palestiniens vivant sur 365 mètres carrés dont plus de la moitié sont des enfants, a subi une attaque militaire massive de l'armée israélienne.

La population de Gaza, soumise à un siège complet depuis près de 17 ans, est en grande partie composée des réfugiés palestiniens déplacés depuis l'occupation rampante d'Israël. A ce jour, plus de 2 500 personnes ont été tués, des milliers ont été blessés, plus d'un demi-million de personnes ont été déplacées de force. Parmi eux, des artistes, des écrivains, des dirigeants de la société civile. Des quartiers entiers ont été anéantis et rasés sous l’intensité des bombardements israéliens. Israël a coupé tous les approvisionnements de base : nourriture, eau et carburant. Les services Internet sont coupés depuis vendredi tandis que les soldats israéliens préparent une invasion terrestre de la bande de Gaza, territoire qu’ils ont privé d’accès à la mer, à la terre et aux airs depuis près de deux décennies. Ce siège empêche les approvisionnements humanitaires d’urgence qui ont été positionnés du côté égyptien de la frontière. Les hôpitaux manquent d’équipement alors que les agences d'aide internationale tirent la sonnette d'alarme, mettant en garde contre le manque d’eau potable, de produits essentiels et de denrées alimentaires qui met tout une population en danger.

Si rien n’est immédiatement mis en place, la situation actuelle mènera à l’une des pires catastrophes humanitaires que le monde aura connues depuis des décennies. Nous appelons tous ceux qui, partout dans le monde, croient aux principes fondamentaux d'humanité et de justice pour agir immédiatement et mettre un terme à cette situation humanitaire catastrophique.

Rien ne justifie la punition collective de toute une population - dont la majorité sont des enfants - et les attaques incessantes contre la bande de Gaza qui ciblent des civils palestiniens, les déplaçant une fois de plus par la force, bombardant leurs maisons, leurs écoles et leurs hôpitaux et détruisant leurs infrastructures. Nous pleurons toutes les vies civiles perdues et craignons pour la vie de tous ceux qui sont menacés de manière imminente ; aucun civil ne devrait être pris pour cible.

Nous vous demandons dès à présent de faire toute la pression possible sur le gouvernement israélien afin qu'il prenne les mesures suivantes :

- Ouvrir immédiatement et sans délai tous les points de passage vers la bande de Gaza pour permettre le passage de toute forme d'aide humanitaire

- Y rétablir l'approvisionnement en carburant, en électricité, en eau et en moyens de communications

- Permettre aux personnes déplacées de force de rentrer chez elles en toute sécurité

Accepter un cessez-le-feu humanitaire immédiat

Nous vous demandons également de déployer tous les efforts nécessaires pour mettre fin au siège de Gaza qui dure depuis 16 ans et de soutenir activement un processus politique qui mènerait à une paix durable et à la justice en Palestine.

Nous espérons que nos voix en tant que représentants de la société civile du monde entier seront entendues et que la vie des civils de la bande de Gaza sera épargnée.


Signatories / Signataires:


  1. 17 Mayıs LGBTQ+ Association - Turkey
  2. Acting Out: Voices from the Theatre in Palestine - France/East Jerusalem 
  3. Action for Hope - Belgium
  4. Adaleh center for Human Rights studies - Jordan
  5. Ahel for Community Organizing - Jordan
  6. Al Badil - Alternative Culturelle - Tunisia
  7. Al Rafedina for Development - Iraq
  8. Aljumhuriya collective - Germany
  9. Alqalam - Egypt
  10. Ambulante - Mexico
  11. Animal Rights Watch Committee - Türkiye
  12. Antalya FeministCollective - Turkey
  13. Arab Digital Expression Berlin e.V. - Germany
  14. Arab Digital Expression Foundation - Egypt
  15. Aradiba Culture Project - Sudan
  16. AREA, Arts in Rural European* Areas (* and beyond) - Denmark
  17. Artas Foundation - Switzerland
  18. ARTenvie - Tunisia
  19. Association of Civil Society Development Center - Turkey
  20. Association of Psychologists for Social Solidarity (TODAP) - Turkey
  21. Association Shams - Tunisia
  22. Association Tunisienne pour le Développement Culturelle et Artistique Cité’Ness - Tunisie
  23. Associazione Oltre...APS - Italy
  24. Aydın LGBTİ+ Dayanışması - Turkey
  25. Bassra Injaz Foundation for development - Iraq
  26. Bodrum Women's Solidarity Association - Turkey
  27. Book Forum Foundation - Iraq
  28. BurHak Animals Right Center - Turkey
  29. Catedra Paulo Freire de la Universidad Pedagógica Nacional - Bogotá Colombia
  30. CEECCNA Collaborative Fund - Central and Eastern Europe, Caucasus, and Central and North Asia
  31. CENEA Associação Cultural - Portugal
  32. Centro de Estudios de Derecho, Justicia y Sociedad -Dejusticia - Colombia
  33. Centro de Estudios Legales y Sociales - Argentina
  34. Cite’Ness - Tunisia
  35. Code per Curiosi - Italy
  36. Codhez - Venezuela
  37. Colegio de Abogados del Sur Occidente Colombiano "COASUR" - Colombia
  38. Colegio Unidad Pedagógica - Colombia
  39. COLPAZ-México - México
  40. ConArte - Mexico
  41. Counterpoints Arts - United Kingdom
  42. Coventry Refugee and Migrant Centre - United Kingdom
  43. Cultural Survival - USA
  44. D6: Culture in Transit - UK
  45. D6: Culture in Transit - United Kingdom
  46. Dancing on the Edge - Netherlands
  47. Dar Meso Residency - Tunisia
  48. Dawlaty - Lebanon
  49. Democracy for the Arab World Now (DAWN) - USA
  50. Digital Empowerment Foundation - India
  51. Digital Rights Foundation - Pakistan
  52. - Spain
  53. Douzan Art and Culture - Syria
  55. El hamra theater - Tunisia
  56. El Warcha collaborative design studio - Tunisia
  57. Elmadina Arts - Egypt
  58. Equality Studies Association - Turkey
  59. Ettijahat Independent Culture - Belgium / Lebanon
  60. Fadaat Foundation for Development - Yemen
  61. Fanak Fund - France
  62. Fanni Raghman Anni  - Tunisie
  63. Fethiye Women Solidarity Association ((Kadın Dayanışma Derneğ) - Turkey
  64. Fondation Marius Jacob - Belgium
  65. Fundación Al Fanar para el Conocimiento Árabe - Spain
  66. Fundación Caósmosis  - Colombia
  67. Ginger Blonde - Colombia
  68. Grupo de Trabajo Agroecologia Política, CLACSO - Mexico
  69. Guerrilla Foundation - Germany
  70. Habitat Action and Peace - Somalia
  71. Haki Nawiri Afrika - Kenya
  72. Haqi Awrath - Lebanon
  73. Haringey Welcome - United Kingdom
  74. Hawass association - Morocco
  75. Hessa6 - Libya
  76. Hiša! Association for People and Places - Slovenia
  77. Hope and Aid Direct - United Kingdom
  78. Human Rights Association- Ankara - Turkey
  79. IDHEAS, Litigio Estratégico en derechos humanos. - México
  80. Image Clé - France
  81. In Place of War - UK and Global
  82. Indómita.danzateatro - México
  83. Instituto de Estudios Obreros Rafael Galván ac  - Mexico
  84. Izmir Young LGBTI+ Association - Turkey
  85. Jabuti Theatre - Scotland
  86. Jihan Seman Center - Syria
  87. Kadının İnsan Hakları İçin Kadınlar (Women for Women's Human Rights) - Turkey
  88. Kaos GL Associatiom - Turkey
  89. Karwan e Mohabbat - India
  91. Kırmızı Biber Women's Association (Kırmızı Biber Kadın Derneği) - Turkey
  92. Koza Women Association - Turkey
  93. L'Art Rue - Tunisia
  94. Liliana Muñoz García / Gestion Social,Comunidades Campesinas - Sevilla Valle,Colombia
  95. Liliana Muñoz,Gestión Social,comunidad Rural - Colombia
  96. Magamba Network - Zimbabwe
  97. Mandala Theatre Company - UK
  98. Marielise Aad | Hammana Artist House - Lebanon
  99. Marsa Foundation - Netherlands
  100. MedeArts - Jordan
  101. Medrar for Contemporary Art - Egypt
  102. Megawra - Built Environment Collective - Egypt
  103. Middle East and North Africa Partnership for Preventing of Armed Conflict (MENAPPAC) - Lebanon
  104. Minassa  - Tunisia
  105. Monstress Mess Kollektiv - Germany
  106. NAAS Network of Arab Alternative Screens  - Berlin, Germany
  107. Nedkopplat - Swedish podcast - SwedenNew
  108. Nonviolent Network in the Arab Countries(NNAC) - Lebanon
  109. Noon for Studies, Research and Documentation - Sudan
  110. Nuasi - Libya
  111. On Ekim Dayanışması - Turkey
  112. Open Art Space - Syria
  113. Oyoun Berlin - Germany
  114. Qisetna (Talking Syria) - UK
  115. Queer Women Poets - Turkey
  116. Racial Equity in Journalism Fund, Borealis Philanthropy - USA
  117. Reclaim The Sea - United Kingdom
  118. Red Mundial de Jóvenes Políticos - Colombia
  119. Resonalia - Venezuela
  120. Roaya for Astronomy and Space Applications Foundation  - Libya
  121. Ruta Pacifica de las Mujeres Colombianas - Colombia
  122. Sable & Chaux - Switzerland
  123. Sadaqa - Jordan
  124. SH|FT - Sweden and global
  125. Shashat - Tunisian Association for Cinema and Culture - Tunisia
  126. Silva - Turkey
  127. Stereo for Arts and Culture - Palestine
  128. Sudan Film Factory - Sudan
  129. suite42        - Germany
  130.  SWAN - Swedish Artist Residency Network - Sweden
  131. Syrian Center for Policy Research - Syria
  132. Tabdeel - Egypt
  133. Teatringestazione - Italy
  134. The Association for Freedom of Thought and Expression - Egypt
  135. The Oslo Documentary Cinema (Oslo Dokumentarkino) - Norway
  136. The Ultimate Picture Palace - UK
  137. The William Gomes Podcast - United Kingdom
  138. Theatre Institute of Latvia - Latvia
  139. Udjenza - Malta
  140. Unga Klara - Sweden national stage for young audiences - Sweden
  141. UNIVEG - Turkey
  142. Unlock the Chains Collective - UK
  143. Untold Stories e.V. - Germany
  144. Voice of Eve - Tunisia
  145. Wind of the Spirit - USA
  146. zusa - art of collaboration – Germany

Individuals / Personnes:

  1. Abigail Gibson – UK
  2. Adina Constantin - Romania
  3. Adriana Medina Meneses - Colombia
  4. Abla Kadi - Lebanon
  5. Adriana Segura Vásquez - Colombia
  6. Aenan Mohamed Abdel Dafea Ibrahim - Sudan
  7. Afef Majdoub - Tunisia
  8. Agnes Kofoed Christianson - Stockholm, Sweden
  9. Agneta Fagerström Olsson - Sweden/Jordan
  10. Ahlem Saidi - Tunisia
  11. Ahmed AMMAR  - Tunisia
  12. Ahmed Radwan - Egypt
  13. Ahmet Yılmaz - Türkiye
  14. Aine Crowley - Ireland
  15. Al Hady Al Shawaf – Sudan
  16. Aleksandra Szkudlapska - Poland
  17. Alessandra Anzaghi - Italy
  18. Alessandra Cianetti – UK
  19. Alex Azzam - US
  20. Alexia M - Canada
  21. Ali Mhana - Iraq
  22. Alina Madrid  - México
  23. Alone - Egypt
  24. Amalia Gamio - México
  25. Amani albaba - Jordan
  26. Amel douja dhaouadi  - Tunisia
  27. Ameni chatti - Tunisia
  28. Amy Enticknap, Artistic Director, Human Story Theatre – UK
  29. Ana Camila Montoya Caballero - Colombia
  30. Ana Carolina Gomez Rojas - Colombia/México
  32. Ana Lucrecia Cabra Julio - Colombia
  33. Ana María González Valencia  - Colombia
  34. Ana maria niño      - Colombia
  35. Ana Maria Reyes - Colombia
  36. Anas Younes - Syria
  37. Andrea Valencia  - USA
  38. Andrés Arizmendy Benavides - Colombia
  39. Andrés felipe meneses rodriguez  - Colombia
  40. Andres Garrido - Colombia
  41. Andrey Volkashin - Macedonia
  42. Anissa - Tunisie
  43. Anna Estdahl - Italy
  44. Annette Rodriguez Fiorillo - Colombia
  45. April De Angelis
  46. Arab Women Organization of Jordan - Jordan
  47. Ariane Langlois - Lebanon
  48. Arifa Akbar - UK
  49. Arzu Bulut - Turkey
  50. Arzu Serter  - Turkey
  51. Ása Richardsdóttir – Iceland
  52. Asma Hassouna - Tunisia
  53. Assia Elbrrah - Morocco
  54. Atef Hamdani - Tunisie
  55. Athanasia Kanellopoulou - Greece
  56. Aug Machino - Zimbabwe
  57. Ayat Abdel Dayem - Egypt
  58. Ayesha Alibhai       - United Kingdom
  59. Aysel fidan  - Turkey
  60. Badiâa Bouhrizi - Tunisia
  61. Bahia JemaÏl - Tunisie
  62. Bárbara Pincowsca Cardoso Campos - Colombia
  63. Basma El Husseiny - Egypt
  64. Bassel Amin Monser - Yemen
  65. Beatriz Cantinho - Portugal
  66. Bek berger - Australia / Latvia
  67. Ben Harrison – Scotland
  68. Betty Ruth Lozano-Lerma - Colombia
  69. Beyan - United Kingdom
  70. Bibiana del Carmen Pineda Restrepo - Colombia
  71. Boran Mergen - Türkiye
  72. Bouhdid Belhedi - Tunisia
  73. Buthayna El Haggar - Egypt
  74. Camila Casas – Colombia
  75. Carine Loutfi – Canada
  76. Carlos Navarrete  - Colombia
  77. Carlos Tapia - Colombia
  78. Carol Fares - Syria
  79. Carolina Garcia Londoño - Colombia
  80. Carolina Obregón - Colombia
  81. Catherine Sykes – UK
  82. Cécile Juan - Belgium
  83. Chadi Abdul Karim – Denmark
  84. Chahrazed Moussa - Tunisia
  85. Chayma dkhili        - Tunisia
  86. Chiara Condoleo Tortajada - Spain
  87. Ciudadanos del mundo - Colombia
  88. Clara Gerdmar - Sweden
  89. Claudia Vargas - Norway
  90. Corinne Grassi - France
  91. Cyrine Gannoun - Tunisie
  92. Dalia Dawood - UK
  93. Damien Toumi - France
  94. Daniela Rubio - Colombia
  95. Despina Panagiotopoulou – Greece
  96. Diana Hurtado P - Colombia
  97. Diana Nedeva - Bulgaria
  98. Diego Armando Zambrano Benavides – Colombia
  99. Dilia Lucia Prieto Hernández - Colombia
  100. Dima Nachaei – Lebanon
  101. Dina Dakik  - Saudi Arabia
  102. Dina El Ghamry - Egypt
  103. Dina Ntziora - Greece
  104. Doaa Talema – Egypt
  105. Dora Cecilia Alzate Gallo - Colombia
  106. Doria Elkerdany - USA
  107. Duban Canal - Colombia
  108. Ebru Ergün  - Türkiye
  109. Ecehan Balta  - Turkiye
  110. Eddy Martín - Colombia
  111. Efsun Yıldız - Turkey
  112. Eleanor Glynn - United Kingdom
  113. Elif Dila Ergenekon – Turkey
  114. Elif Duman - Turkey
  115. Elizabeth Chávez Coria - México
  116. Ellen Sprenger - Canada
  117. Elliot Colbert – USA
  118. Emad Aboughazi - Egypt
  119. Emad Aboughazi - Egypt
  120. Eman Hussein – Egypt
  121. Emilssen González Amado - Colombia
  122. Emily motu - France
  123. Emna Trabelsi        - Tunisia
  124. erberto bottasso - Italy
  125. Erika Rojas - Colombia
  126. Esma Nur Kaşram - Turkey
  127. Eva Giraldo - Colombia
  128. Evelyn Osorio Pareja - Colombia
  129. Fabián Aldair Durán Ramírez - Colombia
  130. Fabrizio - Italy
  131. Fairooz Tamimi - Sweden/Jordan
  132. Farah AlHAddad - UK
  133. Farah Kaddour       - Lebanon
  134. Farai Monro - Zimbabwe
  135. Faten Amer Fahmy Abukhater -Egypt
  136. Fatma - Tunisia
  137. Fatma Asma Moatemri       - Tunisia
  138. Fatma Balti - Tunisia
  139. Fatma Othamn Mohamed Mostafa – Sudan
  140. Faye Griffiths - USA
  141. Felipe Valencia Rendón - Colombia
  142. Fernando Suárez - Colombia
  143. Feyrouz Nouri - Tunisia
  144. Filipa Francisco - Portugal
  145. Fiona Wotton - Cornwall
  146. Fiona Yuill – UK
  147. Freddie Darke - England
  148. Gabriela del Carmen Sánchez Escatel - México
  149. Gerard Barrie - United Kingdom
  150. Ghassan Rahal - Lebanon
  151. Ghofrane - Tunisie
  152. Ghorbel noura  - Tunisia
  153. Giancarlo Romano Gómez  - Colombia
  154. Gloria Lucia Eraso  - Colombia
  155. Gloria Patricia Zuluaga - Colombia
  156. Gonzalo Chacón Hernández - Colombia
  157. Goran Tomka – Serbia
  158. Hadeer S. Dahab - Egypt
  159. Hala Abi Tarabay - Lebanon
  160. Hala Ashmawy - Egypt
  161. Hale Hankan - United Kingdom
  162. Hamam Al Mortada - Libya
  163. Hamdi Al Jouini – Tunisia
  164. Hamdi jouini - Tunisia
  165. Hamza Adam Mohamed Ali - Sudan
  166. Hanane Hajali - Lebanon
  167. Harsh Mander – India
  168. Hasan Amin - Egypt
  169. Hatan Abo Bakr Alhaj – Sudan
  170. Hayder Jalil Khalaf - Iraq
  171. Héctor Vargas - Colombia
  172. Hedda Schönbäck - Sweden
  173. Hela Majdoub - Tunisia
  174. Henrik Dahl, actor/director – Sweden
  175. Hiba M - Switzerland
  176. Hosam Althani - Libya
  177. Ibtissem chattouna - Tunisia
  178. Idris Ekla - Morocco
  179. Ilana Reynolds - Germany
  180. Imen  - Tunisia
  181. Ina Riedel – Germany
  182. Inga Rodríguez Mur – Colombia
  183. Ingvar Örner  - Sweden
  184. Ioana Hogman - Romania
  185. Işıl Özüak Tunca - Turkiye
  186. Ismael Husein - Germany
  187. Iván  Arias  Botero - Colombia
  188. Ivko Sesic – Serbia
  189. Jacek Wajszczak - Poland
  190. Jamal Al Tamimi - United kingdom
  191. Jan Gossens - Belgium/Tunisia
  192. Javier Cajiao - Colombia
  193. Jennifer Pérez Mejía  - Colombia
  194. Jerilee Salvador – Philippines
  195. Jihene gzar - Tunisie
  196. Jo Ross – UK
  197. Joana Saraiva - Portugal
  198. John King; freelance composer/musician - New York City, USA
  199. Jonas Abrahamsson - Sweden
  200. Jonathan Daitch – France
  201. Jorge Alberto Gil - Colombia
  202. José Carlos Castañeda Fernández de Lara - México
  203. Jotham Sietsma – Germany
  204. Juan Carlos Martínez Rincón – Colombia
  205. Juan delGado - UK
  206. Juan Manuel Bustillo - Colombia
  207. Juan Pablo Bermúdez - Colombia
  208. Juana Del Mar Jimenez Infante        - Colombia
  209. Julia Kassar – Lebanon
  210. Juliana Sánchez - Colombia
  211. Juliana Valencia Castaño – Argentina
  212. Julie Ward - UK
  213. Julieth Serrano - Colombia
  214. Jumana Al-Yasiri - France
  215. Kamilia asma khodmi - Tunisia
  216. Karla Escobar - Colombia/Germany
  217. Kate O’ Shea – Ireland
  218. Kawther mekkaoui - Tunisia
  219. Kelley Buhles - Switzerland
  220. Kenny Elizabeth Campo Sarzosa  - Colombia
  221. Khadija Pandor  - United Kingdom
  222. Khadija Rezgui - Tunisia
  223. Khairy Douma - Egypt
  224. Khaled - Egypt
  225. Khaoula - Tunisia
  226. Kholoud Eissa - Egypt
  227. Khouloud akrimi - Tunis
  228. Khouloud ismail  - Tunisia
  229. Labben Sonia - France
  230. Laila Hourani - Syria/Palestine
  231. Lamiaa Abdeldaiem - Egypt
  232. Laraine Kaizer-Viazovtsev - Finland
  233. Laura Camila Rodríguez Jurado - Colombia
  234. Laura Livia Calabi - Brazil
  235. Laura Londoño - Colombia
  236. Laura Quiñonez - Colombia
  237. Laura Rivas - Colombia
  238. Laura Rivera - Italia
  239. Leandra Sanchez  - Colombia
  240. Leonor Convers - Colombia
  241. Liliana Monroy Rueda - Colombia
  242. Lily Parrott - UK
  243. Lina Geagea Derwiche - Lebanon
  244. Lina Marcela Blanco Cuero - Colombia
  245. Lina María García Henao - Colombia
  246. Linda Jankowska - UK
  247. Linda Kunze Nahlin - Sweden
  248. Luc Al - Colombia
  249. Lucero AM - Colombia
  250. Lucy Ellinson - UK
  251. Lucy González Rodríguez - Colombia
  252. Lucy Nabijou - UK
  253. Ludovica gualandi - Italy
  254. Luis Javier Sánchez. Respaldo el pedido mundial para un cese al fuego y una solución a la patria para palestina. - Colombia
  255. Luz Adriana Orozco Barco - Colombia
  256. Luz María Londoño - Colombia
  257. Luz Suaza - Colombia
  258. Lydia Buchner - Italy
  259. Madame - Tunisia
  260. Magda Gonzalez - COLOMBIA
  261. Mahmoud Hashem – Journalist - Egypt
  262. Mahmoud Naguib - Australia
  263. Maja Pegan - Slovenia
  264. Mansoor Al Hajj - Yemen
  265. Mara Oscar Cassiani - Italy
  266. Mara Oscar Cassiani - Italy
  267. Marcia Martínez - México
  268. María Camila Lopez Rojas - Colombia
  269. María del Carmen Jarrín Cerón      - Colombia
  270. María Isabel Hernández Carrasco - Colombia
  271. María Paola Villamizar Londoño - Colombia
  272. Mariam Hussien - Egypt
  273. Mariam Metwally - Egypt
  274. Mariam Moussa - Egypt
  275. Mariana Londoño - Colombia
  276. Marianne Holmboe  - Sweden
  277. Marie Paglinghi - Greece
  278. Mariel Ramírez  - México
  279. Mariela González - Colombia
  280. Mariem - Tunisia
  281. Mario Santiago Juarez  - México
  282. Maroua Skandrani - Tunisia
  283. Marta Almada - Portugal
  284. Martijn Blom - Netherlands
  285. Mary Ann DeVlieg - Italy
  286. Matt Jennings - Northern Ireland
  287. Maud Martin - France
  288. Mauricio Sierra - Colombia
  289. Mayssa sgahier      - Tunisia
  290. Med nefzi - Tunisia
  291. Mehdi Jabri - Tunisia
  292. Mejri Yasmine - Tunis
  293. Melanie Hering - United Kingdom
  294. MESKAOUI  - Tunisia
  295. Milan Đorđević - Serbia
  296. Milena Barnes - Ireland
  297. Milena Dragicevic Sesic - Serbia
  298. Mireya collazos - Colombia
  299. Mohamed Abo Kasim Mahjoub - Libya
  300. Mohamed El Mahdy - Egypt
  301. Mohamed Elrabiey - Australia
  302. Mohamed Guediri - Tunisia
  303. Mohamed Kouki - Tunisia
  304. Mohamed Osman Ali - Sudan
  305. Mohammed Afridi - United Kingdom
  306. Mohammed Bassaleh - Morocco
  307. Moni Awolesi - USA
  308. Mostafa Abd Elghani - Egypt
  309. Motaz Abdel Halim Sayed Ahmad - Sudan
  310. Moukhless Boudchar - Morocco
  311. Mya Fraser - UK
  312. Myriam Ali-Ahmad - United States of America
  313. Myriam Hoballah - Lebanon
  314. Myriam Naili  - Tunisia
  315. Myriame Dachraoui - Tunisia
  316. Myrna Elsawaf - Egypt
  317. Nada alsharif - Jordan
  318. Nada Beainy - Switzerland
  319. Nadine Nuwayhif - Switzerland
  320. Nahida Khalil - Lebanon
  321. Nan van Houte - Netherlands
  322. Natalia Bernal Manrique - Colombia
  323. Natalia Chía Rodríguez  - Colombia
  324. Natalia Gómez        - Mexico
  325. Natalia Valencia Castaño - Colombia
  326. Natasha Badhwar - India
  327. Natasja van 't Westemde - Netherlands
  328. Nawla Darwiche - Egypt
  329. Nelly Abboud - Lebanon
  330. Nermine ben ali - Tunisia
  331. Nicole Natalia Nieto Herrera - Colombia
  332. Niloo Khan - UK
  333. Nouhaila Boukhare - Morocco
  334. Nouran Mohsen - Egypt
  335. Nylza Offir García Vera - Colombia
  336. Obaida Khafaga - Egypt
  337. Olha Kotska - Germany/Ukraine
  338. Omar cherif - Tunisia
  339. Osamah Alfakih - Yemen
  340. Óscar Cabrera Melgar  - El Salvador
  341. Oui'aime Trabelsi - Tunisia
  342. Oussema omrani - Tunisia
  343. Özge Özgüner - Türkiye
  344. Pamela Alexandra Godoy Mejía - Colombia
  345. Paola Ramirez Zuleta - Colombia
  346. Paola Sánchez - Colombia
  347. Patricia Kistenmacher - Argentina
  348. Patricia Monroy Ramírez  - Colombia
  349. Patricia Mougel - France
  350. PATRICIA ROZO - Colombia
  351. Peri - JORDAN
  352. Petar Cigic - Serbia
  353. Pía Castiblanco Ávila - Colombia
  354. Quim Bigas - Spain/Denmark
  355. R.T.A - Egypt
  356. Raad  Naser  Shaaya - IRAQ
  357. Rana Mazen - Egypt
  358. Rania Hadjer  - France
  359. Rania Salsaa - Palestine
  360. Rania Semmar - Tunisia
  361. Ranwa Yehia - Egypt
  362. Raouia ben abd el ouahab - Morocco
  363. Raquel Victorino - Colombia
  364. Rasha Salti - Lebanon
  365. Rayya El Zein - United States
  366. REBHI - France
  367. Reema Orabi    Jordan
  368. Richard A Castilla Sippli - Brazil
  369. Rita Chadha - UK
  370. Roberta Ruggiero - Italy
  371. Roger Wilson - UK
  372. Rolf Christianson - Sweden
  373. Rosalba 0sorno Ospina - Medellin
  374. Rosario Montoya - Colombia
  375. Rubiela Arboleda - Colombia
  376. ruya nesrin - Turkey
  377. Saba Badawy - Egypt
  378. Sabri Rejeb - Tunisia
  379. Sabrina Bellenzier - Italy / Georgia
  380. Sadiq Al-Harasi - Yemen
  381. Safaa Mohamed Jawad Aldahy - Iraq
  382. Saga Björklund Jönsson - Sweden
  383. Salma Bergaoui - Tunisia
  384. Saloua charfi  - Tunisia
  385. Samah Boulmona - Lebanon
  386. Samer Al Nasrallah - Sweden
  387. Samir Fadel - Egypt
  388. Samir Iranee, MBA - Germany
  389. Samy Ismail - Egypt
  390. Santiago Alberto Cano Castaño      - Colombia
  391. Saoussen baccar - Tunisia
  392. Sara Alazraq - Jordan
  393. Sara Chiba - Japan
  394. Sara Manuela Lamprea Obregón  - Colombia
  395. Sara masry  - United Kingdom
  396. Sara Vasquez - Colombia
  397. Sarah Clément - France / Spain
  398. Sarah Khedr - Egypt
  399. Sarah Mounia Kachiri - Morocco
  400. Sarah Sallem - Tunisia
  401. SARZH       - France
  402. Sebastián Galvis Correa - Colombia
  403. Seerat Khan - Pakistan
  404. Selma - Tunisia
  405. Selma Ouissi - Tunisia
  406. Senda lazreg - Tunisia
  407. Seray Genc - England
  408. Serhan Ada - Turkey
  409. Shama Alrashid Babikr Mostafa - Sudan
  410. Shawki Srour - Lebanon
  411. Sherif Hussein - Germany
  412. Shruti Nagar - India
  413. Sima Kanaan - Jordan
  414. Simon Alvarez - Colombia
  415. Simona Maria Frigerio - Italy
  416. Sissel Thastum - Germany
  417. Sofiane Ouissi - Tunisia
  418. Sohaila - Egypt
  419. Sonja Jankov - Serbia
  420. Soudy Goff - Italy
  421. Soumaya Bahri       - Tunisia
  422. Stacco Troncoso - Spain
  423. Stefania Facco - Italy
  424. Stefano Angeleri - Irlanda
  425. Stella Loretsyan - Armenia
  426. Suroor Mander - India
  427. Taghrid Bibi - Lebanon
  428. Tamer Mahmoud - Egypt
  429. Tareq Azzam - Egypt
  430. Tareq Omar Andallah Mohamed - Sudan
  431. Tascou yasmine - Tunisie
  432. Tasneem.dahous - Lebanon
  433. Tatiana Plata - Colombia
  434. Teci Negrón - Colombia
  435. Teresa Fernández - Colombia
  436. Theresa Lekberg - Sweden
  437. Tiffany Andrea Botero Rivera - Colombia
  438. Trabelsi imen - Tunisia
  439. Trevor Richard Wells - Italy
  440. Ulrike Zomorrodian - Austria
  441. Valli Yanni - UK
  442. Virginia Manning - United Kingdom
  443. Višnja Kisić - Serbia
  444. Vladimir Andocilla - Ecuador
  445. Wadi Mhiri  - Tunisie
  446. Wadi mhiri - Tunisie
  447. Wafae Ahalouch  - The Netherlands
  448. Wassef ben Mohamed - Tunisia
  449. Wassef nefzi - Tunisia
  450. William Henzcer Gómez Gómez  - Colombia
  451. William Nicholas Gomes - United Kingdom
  452. Xenia Capacete Caballero - Spain
  453. Ximena Andrea Avellaneda - Colombia
  454. Yasmin Abdel Azim Al Saeed - Sudan
  455. Yasmine yaich        - Tunisia
  456. Yassmine Rahoui - Tunisia
  457. Yoldez Mejri - Tunisia
  458. Yota Tsotra – Switzerland
  459. Zeina Chehab - Switzerland
  460. Zeina mokaddam - Lebanon
  461. Zeinab Azzam - Egypt
  462. Zeyad Genena - Egypt
  463. Zeyba Rahman – USA
  464. Ziad salah – Egypt
  465. Zisan Aydinoglu – Turkey

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