2024 Survey of Social Skateboarding Projects Worldwide - by Skateistan x Goodpush

Take part in the new-and-improved annual survey of "skateboarding for good"! Since 2018, Skateistan has been running and publishing an annual Survey of Social Skateboarding Projects Worldwide – tracking the aims, activities, trends, and progress of skateboarding for social change on the global level.  

In this year’s survey, we’ve added a new optional section at the end to collect shared participant impact data for the very first time, based on the new Goodpush “Collective Theory of Change”.

This survey is confidential – your name and organization will never be attached with your answers publicly without your permission. Your answers to Question 2, however, may be included on the Map of Social Skate Projects Worldwide. There are no wrong answers, so please answer the statements as truthfully as possible.

The combined results of the survey will be released in an PDF report, providing insightful data to demonstrate the reach and influence of skateboarding projects around the world. Once it's ready, we'll send you the results and relevant follow-up news. Questions? Contact us at goodpush@skateistan.org   

Important notes: 

  • If you don’t have the information to answer some of the questions, you can leave those questions blank. Please just answer as many as you can.
  • We have included questions asking about staff and participant demographics to collect data on the current diversity and inclusion within social skating. If you don't wish to provide this information you do not have to.
  • Once you submit your survey answers, you will receive an automatic email copy of your submission, and you will be able to edit your answers right up until the survey deadline. 

Thanks for your time!

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1) Your details
 Your name:
Project/organization you're involved in: *
How many different locations does your organization run programming in?
Main project city/location:
Main project country:
List any additional project countries:
2) Project details
One sentence description of your project:
3) What is your role in a social skateboard project?
Clear selection
4) Is your project/organization officially registered as a non-profit?
Clear selection
5) Annual budget in USD: (If you aren't sure, you can put the approximate total or otherwise leave blank. Please convert currency using xe.com)
6) If you receive funding, where does this come from? (please mark all that apply)
7) How is your project staffed?

# of full-time (paid) staff:

# of part-time (paid) staff:
# of full-time volunteers:
# of part-time volunteers:
# of staff or volunteers who are women:
# of staff or volunteers who are people of color:
# of staff or volunteers who are LGBTQIA2S+:
# of staff or volunteers who have a disability:
8) Who are the direct beneficiaries of your project? (select all that apply)
9) Approximately how many participants did your project reach in 2024? (if known) # of ALL participants:
# of Boys/Men:
# of Girls/Women:
# of LGBTQIA2S+:
# with disability:
# of people of color:
# of displaced/refugees:
10) How frequently does your project run programs?
Clear selection
11) How many sessions does your project usually run per week?
All skate sessions:
Girls skate sessions:
LGBTQIA2S+ skate sessions:
Education/mentoring/arts sessions:
Remote sessions (online):
Average # of participants per session:
Average # of staff/volunteers per session:
Comments (please list any other types of sessions/activities you do):
12) What are the main aims of your project/organization? (select a maximum of 5)
13) Does your project work with participants who have experienced any of the following?
14)  What % of your participants are disadvantaged or marginalized? (if known)
Clear selection
15) What methods do you use to reach the participants you work with?
16) How many of your project’s youth participants, in the past 12 months...

Regularly volunteered to help run activities (#):
Received leadership opportunities, such as trainings (#):
Were employed as a staff member (#):
# involved in either of the above, and were also girls/women:
Comments (optional):
17) How many skateboarding-related injuries happened during your activities/programs in the past 12 months that required professional medical help or a hospital visit?
Clear selection
18) Does your project have the following in place?
19) How would you rate the current status of your project in the following areas?

System for registering students and tracking attendance:
Clear selection
Curriculum for skateboarding classes:
Clear selection
Curriculum for education/arts classes:
Clear selection
Child protection policy and training:
Clear selection
Monitoring and Evaluation system:
Clear selection
Formalized Mission, Vision, organizational structure:
Clear selection
Fundraising and administration:
Clear selection
Mental health support for staff and volunteers:
Clear selection
20) Which are the top 5 areas in which you would you like the project you’re involved in to develop further:
21) In your opinion, select the 5 most important skills for your organization:

22) In the past 12 months: Did you connect with other social skateboarding projects worldwide?

Clear selection

23) In the past 12 months: 
Did Goodpush Alliance webinars, events and online platforms help you feel more connected with the global social skateboarding community?

Clear selection

Comments on which other skate projects you’re connected with or why you don’t feel connected: (optional)

24) Have the Goodpush resources, webinars or events given you new knowledge or skills that you have used to make positive changes within your social skateboarding project this year?
Clear selection
Please share examples of positive changes you made because of Goodpush support: (optional)
25) In the past year, did your organization use Goodpush resources/webinars to increase your knowledge and skills:
To run educational and/or life skills programming?
Clear selection
To make your programs more inclusive?
Clear selection
To run programs that improve the wellbeing and mental health of participants?
Clear selection
Thank you for completing the first part of the Social Skateboarding Survey! 

If you have surveyed your participants in 2024, we would really appreciate it if you can also fill out the 2nd section below! It's very short 😊

If that's not possible, no problem – you can just scroll down and submit your survey now. 
SECTION 2: Measuring our Collective Impact – Participant Feedback (Optional)

As mentioned above, this section was added for the first time this year, in order to begin collecting shared data to support the new Goodpush Collective Impact Framework for social skateboarding, developed by 40 organizations worldwide in 2024.

To answer these, you’ll need to have done a recent participant survey about your activities, based on a set of six key questions / indicators. If you haven’t run a participant survey yet, we’ve prepared a short participant survey template that any social skate project can use and adapt (download it here!).

If you have already done your own participant survey, you may still be able to answer some of the questions below since they cover common benefits that social skateboarding projects are aiming to provide to their participants (ie. feeling safe, learning new skills, etc…). 

Please answer as many as you can. You don’t need to answer all of these if you don’t have the data yet. If you need a bit more time to get these answers, you'll be able to edit your survey submission later on via a link that will automatically be emailed to you (until the survey deadline of February 23rd). 

2.1) FUN: What % of your participants have reported having a fun/positive experience during your program/activities?
2.2) SAFE SPACES: What % of your participants have reported that they feel safe in your programs?
2.3) CONFIDENCE: What % of your participants have reported an increase in confidence / self-esteem since joining your programs?
2.4) SKILLS: What % of your participants have reported that they have learnt useful new skills in your programs?
2.5) FRIENDSHIP: What % of your participants have reported having more friendships as a result of joining your programs?
2.6) HEALTH: What % of your participants have reported that they are more likely to continue skateboarding and/or doing sports in the future as a result of participating in your activities?
2.7) Which of the four themes below does your project/organization focus on directly? (select all that apply)
We will share the results with you soon. 
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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