MTHFR Gene Health
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MTHFR gene health are specialists in genetic health, MTHFR symptom diagnosis and treatment for MTHFR gene mutations including solutions for MTHFR fertility & Miscarriage. We help with diagnosis and treatment of complex health problems We provide online consultations globally. Learn more about: What is MTHFR, MTHFR Symptoms, MTHFR conditions, MTHFR Facts and Questions, MTHFR Treatments, MTHFR Self diagnosis, MTHFR Fertility, Miscarriage Solutions, Autism Treatments, Genetic gut solutions, Genetic migraine solutions, Auto immune disease solutions, Ancestry and 23andme raw data interpretation.

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23andme Dna Analysis
I will never forget when I was a teenager and my father told me that by the time I reached my 30s, how I'd slow down and stops exercising. Those were his beliefs. He also smoked and ate highly inflammatory foods, such as very sugary candy bars. He was in his late 40s when he had a massive stroke. He passed away later that same year.

My brother has the false belief that because my father passed away young, so will he. So he ate bad and stopped exercising by the time he reached his 30s. He also adopted the same mindset as my father. When my brother was 39 years old, he had his first heart attack. At 49 he had his second and it was much worse. His belief is that his genes determine his outcome in life. That he has absolutely no control over his health.

What are your personal thoughts about health and genes? I'm here to simply explain that you have a massive amount of control over your health and even your genes. You are not your genes, but how your genes are being expressed.

Let me get to what I'm talking about. There's a new science called Epigenetics. In a sense, it literally means above the genes. Now, let me explain this way. Think of a grand piano. If you were to open the lid and expose the piano wires, you'd see how they are arranged. Each wire represents a different note along the musical scale. The keys on the piano keyboard activate a hammer that strikes a wire, creating a tone. This is true of every key on the piano keyboard.

Genes in our DNA are like the wires in a grand piano. In epigenetics, scientists have discovered an epigenome that lies on the outside of genome. This is like the keys on the piano keyboard. And like a piano, it all depends on how it is played whether an ugly sound comes out or a beautiful melody. How our genes are expressed also depends on how the epigenome is used.

Our thoughts and beliefs have a vital role in this. Dr. Bruce Lipton described in his book, The Biology of Belief, how he discovered that adrenaline was able to override a body's own locally produced histamine as it relates to receptor mechanisms being controlled. They both activate the same receptors. Though, adrenaline is activated by the central nervous system. Receptors are protein molecules on the membrane of the cell and the nucleus of the cell.

We also release other neurotransmitters that can have an effect on our bodies and how our genes are expressed. How the melody is played, depends on what we are thinking at the time and over time. Outside of how our thoughts and beliefs affect how our genes are expressed, they also lead us to take certain actions and behaviors in our lives.

Most of those times, those same actions you take also will have an effect on how your genes are being recoded. Additionally, you will engage in behavior that may be positive or negative depending on your thoughts at the time. All of this has an effect on your health.

If you have a belief that it doesn't matter what you eat, that you're already destined to have certain diseases, then guess what? You will. My brother still eats unhealthy and doesn't exercise. This despite what his doctors tell him. I've seen this in many others too.

My challenge to you is to start the process of changing any beliefs or thoughts that are detrimental to your health to ones that will help you. Believe that you control how your genes are being expressed. And also believe that you are not destined to be like your family, if they are unhealthy. Take the necessary actions towards living a healthy life full of vitality.
Homocystine Balance Correction
Homocystine Balance Correction
MTHFR Gene Mutation Symptoms
Most of those times, those same actions you take also will have an effect on how your genes are being recoded. Additionally, you will engage in behavior that may be positive or negative depending on your thoughts at the time. All of this has an effect on your health.
MTHFR Support
Our genes account for the biological and neurological (i.e. genotypic) predispositions that we have inherited from our family ancestors. Think of genes as the seeds that you were handed at birth. These seeds may or may not germinate, depending on your childhood and current environment. Scientists talk about genes in terms of being turned on or off.

For example, you may have a gene for being an exceptional athlete, but unless you were in the environment where you received proper training, your dream of becoming an Olympic champion would not be realized. In another example, let us say, you have inherited a gene for negative thinking or depression. Triggered by the environment or a difficult life situation, you may tailspin into depression, while another person who does not have such a gene would deal with a similar situation in a more positive way and without becoming depressed. Once triggered, the gene becomes activated and you may experience episodes of depression throughout your life.

The good news is that we all have a wide variety of genes! Just as we have destructive or �ad genes, we also have the positive genes that will help us to take the high road. These positive seeds are already within us! All we need to do in order to urn off our bad genes is reach within our minds and awaken the good genes that will help us to address our challenges in a more enlightened, constructive and positive way. No matter how many setbacks you might have had in trying to change your eating or exercise habits, these good genes within you can lift you up and propel you to success. Even better news is that it is possible to not only awaken and evolve your own good genes, but to create new positive genes and even pass them on to your children!

A popular definition of Evolution: Evolution is the change in the inherited traits of a population of organisms through successive generations. When we change our genes, the new traits are passed to our offspring: The main cause of variation is mutation, which changes the sequence of a gene. Altered genes, or alleles, are then inherited by offspring.\n

Regardless of the argument whether human beings are the result of creation or evolution, it is clear that our conscious behavior CAN and DOES cause mutation of our genetic makeup, giving us a modified mode of behavior going forward.

The best news, perhaps, is that your genes are responsible for only 50% of your behavior. Your conditioning is responsible for the other 50%. It helps you to make the right choices on a daily basis, overriding your lifelong negative programming. By taking charge, you are saying YES! to life. By sticking with your commitment and consistently taking right action, you are developing willpower. Willpower is instrumental in becoming successful not only in building your perfect body, but in any area of life.

Willpower is a mental muscle - the more you use it, the stronger it becomes. Even if you think of yourself as someone who has very little or no willpower, by making the right choices and taking right actions every day, one step at a time, you ARE building your willpower.

As you gain more willpower, you will start seeing the trend of success increasing in all areas of your life. Regardless of your current active genes, please know that you have an unlimited potential for success!
MTHFR Fertility
MTHFR Fertility
Migraine Treatment
Conversely, a meal of raw, dark leafy greens, broccoli, lean protein and natural fats will have an up-regulating healthy impact on our genes. The fact that we are able to watch gene regulation in virtual real-time demonstrates to us the importance of nutrigenomics, as we understand that we can change our health through dietary modification in a very short period of time.
Genetic Health Specalist
Genetic Health Specalist
Methylation Practitioner
When many people gain weight or develop health conditions, they often believe they inherited the problem from their parents. I bet you've heard, My relatives have it too. Although there are some fixed genetic traits, such as eye or hair color, and some genetic aberrations, up to 80% of our genes are influenced by our environment, including our lifestyle choices.

Many experts now agree that chronic conditions and diseases are strongly driven by lifestyle habits (eating, activity levels, stress, etc.). For example, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, heart disease, high blood sugar/diabetes, overweight, arthritis, chronic inflammation, and cancer are significantly driven by our choices. A lack of healthy nutrition, too little activity, and heavy stress disrupt our metabolic systems. Over time, the damage can become more pronounced as our genes and health decline. Put simply, every bite you take matters!

Disease Model Counter Productive?

Many people follow the disease-based model of our medical system (rather than an optimal-health/lifestyle one). So when people develop symptoms or have negative test results, they enter a system that provides a disease diagnosis along with drugs or other treatments. Many of those treatments mask symptoms but don't fix or heal the underlying cause. So when people take their pills or get a stent implanted without improving their lifestyle, they are unlikely to heal. The system is both costly and counter productive, because underlying health is not improved by treating symptoms, and health will get worse again.

When I've had health issues, the first place I look is my lifestyle! And in every case, an adjustment to improve my nutrition, supplements, better activity or sleep have all resolved the problem. Even more serious injuries from a car accident all healed, without using drugs or surgeries (they were strongly recommended). It's becoming more widely known that a healthy lifestyle can turn off disease genes and turn on healthy ones!

The Lifestyle-Gene Connection

There is a growing body of evidence to support a direct lifestyle-gene connection (called epigenetics). It refers to the way the environment (and lifestyle) affects your gene function. What you eat and how you live can activate or suppress many genes, and your lifestyle can make you healthy or sick, depending on the daily choices you make!

Some research shows a direct link between a less-active lifestyle and turning off genes needed for healthy blood fats and glucose. That increases the risk for heart disease, diabetes, cancer, chronic inflammation, etc. And these problems can turn up in a matter of days of inactivity!

It's also known that a healthy diet with good quantities of veggies, fruits, fish, nuts, healthy oils, and appropriate activity are helpful for preventing those same diseases and conditions. One study showed that a healthy lifestyle affected hundreds of genes in men with cancer!

In addition, studies have shown that cancer development is strongly influenced by lifestyle, especially excess fat and sugar intake, weight gain, lack of good nutrition and inactivity. Some experts estimate that 55% to 65% of cancer deaths are linked to poor lifestyle (smoking, overweight, unhealthy diet, etc.). Other estimates indicate that only about 5-10% of cancer is due to genetics. In fact, experts will tell you that we get cell mutations all the time. It's our health and immune system that either keeps them in check or is compromised by an unhealthy lifestyle, allowing the cancer to spread and grow. Most experts agree, cancer is largely preventable!

A more healthy lifestyle is more critical with age, because our hormonal systems tend to be less efficient. We also tend to lose muscle tone and mass. What we ate in our 20s or 30s (often not healthy), is no longer workable into the 40s, 50s or beyond.

Yet, if people made more healthy choices over time, they could head off most conditions/diseases. And remaining active (20-30 minutes most days, even in 2 smaller parts) also brings big rewards. Let your weight be your guide. If you gain weight and fat over time, your lifestyle is out of balance. A more stable, healthy weight and body fat indicates a better balance of lifestyle habits.

Genes Are Not Stone

To say it another way, many genes are more like a word processing document than the case around your computer. Many genes are pliable; they change and adapt to conditions they are exposed to. Like changing the fonts in your document, genes can be modified or changed based on how you live, for better or worse. This should be a breakthrough discovery for most people!

Have you known people who were overweight and had other health issues, such as diabetes? If they lost weight, did their diabetes and triglyceride problems fade away? It happens! How about someone who loses 10 or 20 pounds and their high blood pressure and energy return to normal? It happens! These are a few examples of how changing your lifestyle can help to resolve health conditions we associate with disease.\n

So for everyone who is living with chronic health conditions (or has a family history of them), I hope this article give you hope and insight. You are what you eat! I urge you to get a consultation with a qualified health/nutrition/fitness coach. You can discuss your specific conditions and map out a lifestyle makeover, making small changes and substitutions over time.

Why not get your genes working for you, supporting optimum health and vitality? The research says you can, and have a life largely free of health problems and disease. It's literally a life and death choice... a choice you can make today!
MTHFR Mutation
MTHFR Mutation
MTHFR Fertility
Our genes account for the biological and neurological (i.e. genotypic) predispositions that we have inherited from our family ancestors. Think of genes as the seeds that you were handed at birth. These seeds may or may not germinate, depending on your childhood and current environment. Scientists talk about genes in terms of being turned on or off.

For example, you may have a gene for being an exceptional athlete, but unless you were in the environment where you received proper training, your dream of becoming an Olympic champion would not be realized. In another example, let us say, you have inherited a gene for negative thinking or depression. Triggered by the environment or a difficult life situation, you may tailspin into depression, while another person who does not have such a gene would deal with a similar situation in a more positive way and without becoming depressed. Once triggered, the gene becomes activated and you may experience episodes of depression throughout your life.

The good news is that we all have a wide variety of genes! Just as we have destructive or �ad genes, we also have the positive genes that will help us to take the high road. These positive seeds are already within us! All we need to do in order to urn off our bad genes is reach within our minds and awaken the good genes that will help us to address our challenges in a more enlightened, constructive and positive way. No matter how many setbacks you might have had in trying to change your eating or exercise habits, these good genes within you can lift you up and propel you to success. Even better news is that it is possible to not only awaken and evolve your own good genes, but to create new positive genes and even pass them on to your children!

A popular definition of Evolution: Evolution is the change in the inherited traits of a population of organisms through successive generations. When we change our genes, the new traits are passed to our offspring: The main cause of variation is mutation, which changes the sequence of a gene. Altered genes, or alleles, are then inherited by offspring.\n

Regardless of the argument whether human beings are the result of creation or evolution, it is clear that our conscious behavior CAN and DOES cause mutation of our genetic makeup, giving us a modified mode of behavior going forward.

The best news, perhaps, is that your genes are responsible for only 50% of your behavior. Your conditioning is responsible for the other 50%. It helps you to make the right choices on a daily basis, overriding your lifelong negative programming. By taking charge, you are saying YES! to life. By sticking with your commitment and consistently taking right action, you are developing willpower. Willpower is instrumental in becoming successful not only in building your perfect body, but in any area of life.

Willpower is a mental muscle - the more you use it, the stronger it becomes. Even if you think of yourself as someone who has very little or no willpower, by making the right choices and taking right actions every day, one step at a time, you ARE building your willpower.

As you gain more willpower, you will start seeing the trend of success increasing in all areas of your life. Regardless of your current active genes, please know that you have an unlimited potential for success!
Sibo Treatment
Performing these studies can eventually lead to a cure for obesity. They are treating obesity like a disease, and not a lifestyle choice. People can lose the weight, FTO gene or not, people can lose weight. It might be harder for some, but it is still is possible. I can see the future. When the first commercial comes on television talking up the effects of the FTO gene, then they question you if you are obese with some scary statistics, and finally the big sales pitch for whatever the drug will be called.
Symptoms Of Poor Methylation
Symptoms Of Poor Methylation
Auto Immune Disease Treatement
Have you made yourself a victim of heredity? Do you believe that your life is predetermined by your gene pool and you have little if any control over what happens to your health? If so, you're not alone. This common, current belief is called Genetic Determinism and big pharmaceutical companies have a huge stake in it.

Blaming our genes for being overweight, unhealthy and mentally challenged/depressed is a favored way of excusing and convincing ourselves that we can't do anything about the conditions we currently find ourselves in - that our genes are to blame.

Unfortunately, we're living a lie. Pointing fingers outside of ourselves will never be the answer to changing and improving our lives. This type of attitude does nothing but make us irresponsible.

Continuing genetic research reveals a different story. Genes are not fixed and set when we're first conceived. Genes are mutable and changeable putting us in full control and making us responsible for our mental, physical, emotional and even spiritual health.

Epigenetics is a new science that studies genes. This promising science studies cellular and physiological traits that are responsible for turning gene switches on and off, defining how our cells read those genes.

Our lifestyle habits are the real controlling switches when it comes to how our genes act. Our thought processes (positive or negative), choice of foods, toxins (chemicals and pesticides), stress, exercise and destructive substances we expose our bodies such as tobacco all play major roles in pushing our gene switches towards health or away from it.

Dr. Bruce Lipton, a renowned stem cell biologist and author of The Biology of Belief, and Spontaneous Evolution, examined the principles of quantum physics and how it could be integrated into understanding how cells process information.

His research revealed that he outer layer of the cell is essentially an organic computer chip that operated like the brain of the cell. He discovered that the environment, which operated through the membrane, was empowered to turn genes on and off, essentially controlling the behavior and physiology of the cell.

Epigenetics empowers us and reveals that we are simply an extension of our thoughts, beliefs, perceptions, toxic substances, exercise (or lack thereof). Everything we put into our bodies counts. We're not just a biological machine as Newtonian science would have us believe.

We are not controlled by genetic makeup. Whatever genes are turned on or off is primarily determined by our perceptions, attitudes, thoughts and actions!

These rapid advances in understanding how our genes operate and affect our bodies and our health have proven to be a huge blessing and allowed us to proactively beat diseases like cancer, lose unwanted body weight/fat we thought we destined to hang onto, and a boost in overall health.

Bottom line: We are not a victim to our genes, unless we choose to be.

Our genetic traits are controlled and expressed by paying attention to our thoughts and altering our environment and our diet to include the right foods. It's called preventive medicine. A healthy, active lifestyle, positive mental attitude and limited exposure to toxins encourages our genes to express positive, disease fighting behaviors.

It's time to drop the victim mentality and the I can't change it so why try attitude and take advantage of these new, exciting and revealing gene studies.
MTHFR Doctors
MTHFR Doctors
Methylation Practitioner
3. Supplementation. In the modern world it is almost impossible to get all the nutrients we need. Not only do we not have the time to eat all those vegetables, but we don't have fresh choices. The vitamin C in a piece of fruit is most potent at the point of ripeness on the tree. By the time it gets to your house? It rarely has much left! Our genes need a full nutritional toolbox to create the best version of you, so supplement your diet with high grade supplements.
MTHFR Treatment Children
Genetics, the controller of your life, and the closest scientific explanation of destiny. To me I think genetics is an old beat up excuse. It is an excuse for people to be lazy, stay lazy, and act like they have no clue what is going on in their life. Yes, having some genes can make you predisposed to some disease, but it does not mean you will have the disease when you get older. It means you should also develop the live a healthy life gene, and do not create bad habits gene. It means you should create as good of an environment as you possible can so that you do not come down with your genetics weakness.

Genetics seems to be the way our medical field is moving. To me this is scary. Our genes are essentially what make me, me and you, you. If we somehow perfect the perfect genetic code we could all be the same. Anyways there has been a lot of talk on studies being done on mice and the effect of the obesity gene. They are trying to see why it makes people fat.

The obesity gene has been discovered for a long time, but not until recently have they discovered how this gene works. They called the gene FTO, and mice that did not have the gene pigged out, slouched around all day, and miraculously stayed leaner. Sounds like the perfect remedy for people too lazy to exercise or eat right. Some other research has found that the people who have this lovely FTO gene carry 7 pounds more on average, and are 70% more likely to become obese. 70% is a big number. We either have people not trying to stay healthy, or this gene is just an end all be all type of gene. My guess is on the people are not trying to stay healthy.

Mice actually are very close to humans when it comes to our genes or DNA, so the studies done on these mice can show how this FTO gene make us gain some unwanted weight. This is a pretty big step for pharmaceutical companies. There is an estimated 400 million obese people in the world, and that number is rising. Here in the states for every 3 people, 2 of them are overweight. These numbers are frightening, but these numbers are getting worse. This shows something is wrong in the system. Something needs to be changed.

Being obese raises just about every risk factor you could think of. When your body has to carry around all that extra weight, it undergoes a lot more stress than usual. Just imagine carrying around a 50 pound dumbbell everywhere you go.

Performing these studies can eventually lead to a cure for obesity. They are treating obesity like a disease, and not a lifestyle choice. People can lose the weight, FTO gene or not, people can lose weight. It might be harder for some, but it is still is possible. I can see the future. When the first commercial comes on television talking up the effects of the FTO gene, then they question you if you are obese with some scary statistics, and finally the big sales pitch for whatever the drug will be called.

Here is my peep peeve. Why are we doing this research? Yes, it is important and can be done for the sake of knowledge, but why not look to the past when people were not fat? Look at how they stayed lean, what they ate, and how their lifestyle was. We need to stop studying sickness looking for health. Study health to find health. Look at older societies where sickness and disease were not present. Look at how they stayed fit and lean.

So my take home point is to stop studying sickness to find health. Do not let your genetics control who you are, and who you will become. Your environment plays an important part along with genetics, and in my opinion plays a more important part. You have the power to change yourself, whether that is beating diabetes, becoming a top level athlete, excelling in school, or some other goal. You can do it, good genes or not.
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