EXTDAY@LNH - Term 1 2021 Application Form
Extended Day at Loreto Normanhurst
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Email *
Student's First Name *
Student's Last Name *
Student's ID/Code
Select the Year Group your daughter is in for 2021 *
Select the day/s of the week you wish your daughter to attend EXTDAY for Term 1 2021 *
Does your daughter have any after school activities on the nominated days?  Please provide details if known.
List authorised people to collect your daughter (between 1 and 4) *
If your daughter has any Medical/Dietary concerns, please provide details.
Any additional comments regarding the application.
Name of 1st Parent/Guardian *
1st Parent/Guardian Email *
1st Parent/Guardian Phone Number *
Name of 2nd Parent/Guardian
2nd Parent/Guardian's Email
2nd Parent/Guardian's Phone Number
EXTDAY@LNH Conditions.  I/we understand that by submitting this form, I/we confirm the details provided are correct and that the daily fee of $50 will be charged to my school account for the term. *
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